Grocery stores were scarce in food and water.
This was a joke that I thought Brian made up, but yes, pop tarts are one of the things to sell out.
Lines miles and miles long the day before the storm hit.
We had some quality puzzle time!
Gwyn's sponge rollers came out amazing!
Gwyn made cinnamon rolls for all the neighbors during one rainy day.
Post storm dinner out with Jason...who was a trooper and took 6 kids for a day out to a movie and lunch so that Brian, myself and our friends could go help our friends. This was such a treat as we had pretty much left 6 kids and a dog by themselves at our house for days while helping as much as we could.
Gwyn had her first soccer scrimmage, photos by Annie:
Annie came home with homemade play doh, so we made a bigger batch the two of us when Jacob was gone to football and Gwyn was gone to soccer. Love my time with this sweet, fun kid!
A little monkey hanging! They look like trolls with hair upside down!
Annie really wanted pictures of her pushing her big brother!
This cool cat will have his first tackle football game on Saturday.
Girls got to play a little soccer on a college field before the storm.