February and March flew by, I was always told how fast the years go by, I didn't know what people were talking about when the kids were little, but now I truly do, the years are flying by, I can't believe we basically have a little over 2 years left with Jacob. Lots has gone down since I lost uploaded pictures, Annie wrapped up basketball and volleyball, soccer is in full swing. Gwyn has been playing softball, went on a trip to College Station with friends, Jacob has been busy umpiring, managing the JV baseball team, Brian has been working, traveling to Brazil, and I have been steering this ship, or shipwreck on somedays! I did do a 187 mile Texas Indepdenent Relay with 11 of us total, someone was running from Saturday at 7 am from Gonzales, TX to Houston where we finished on Sunday at 3 pm. I did a 3.7, a 4, and a 5.4 mile stretch, I had to walk my last 2 miles, it was exhausting but really fun. We rented vans an coordinated and ran at night in night gear, truly a fun experience! We also got a quick unexpected visit from Great Grandpa, who had a little trouble and ended up going back to St. Louis after a stint in the ER with Brian. Oh, and we also took a quick little 3 night trip over to New Orleans for Spring Break, checked out LSU and Tulane, ate a ton, swamp tour, WWII museum, and good old family fun!
7 years ago