Time is flying by, we spent Spring Break a mix of in Houston and on a trip to St Louis to see Brian's grandpa, we also went to Union Station, did some shopping and went to the Olivia Rodrigo concert, Brian was NOT a fan. Jacob spent Spring Break skiing at Keystone with the Crawfords, he had a blast. We are back on the grind, only 50 more days of school and then Jacob will graduate, Gwyn will be a Junior and Annie a Freshman!! We came back in town in time to go to the Rodeo to see the Jonas Brothers. Annie has MMS soccer tryouts this week, then she'll be doing double duty of soccer both with school and Albion, Gwyn is midway through her Sophomore season at Stratford, and Jacob is working a lot, Crew Chief for the umpires and liking making that $$! I'm back to work remotely for ExxonMobil, not so fun. Brian is putting up with all of us:)
7 years ago