Sunday, May 26, 2024

The one where Jacob graduates!!

It went by in a blink, Jacob has officially graduated from Stratford High School and is enrolled for classes in the Fall to study Petroleum Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin...he goes for a 3 day orientation a week from tomorrow, and then will be back after a work camp trip with the church to work this summer and then head back to Austin at the end of August and begin his college career!  We had a great day with graduation early and lunch back at the house, Stacy, Justin and twins came in, Rick and Sue, Nana and Papa and Jason.  He is SO loved!


Annie's 8th Grade Dance, Jacob's Senior Prom and Gwyn's end of Sophomore Softball season



Lots of activity over the past month.  We flew to St. Louis for Brian's Grandpas funeral, was a very nice service and military burial, and it was good to see all of the family.  Gwyn wrapped up her sophomore year at Stratford making it to playoffs and almost forcing a third game in the first round.  Next year!!  She had struggled with some injuries but still managed to walk away with the team MVP award, 1st Team All-District and Academic All-District (both the last two awards for the second year in a row)!  We are proud of her.  Annie had her first real date for an event, 8th grade dance or 8th grade party, with the theme of OuterBanks, she had fun, I think liked the dressing up and hanging out with friends more than the whole get your picture and picked up by a boy thing, ha!  She looked so BEAUTFIUL!  Despite the power outage we had and having to go to a friends house to even dry her hair, the hair salon cancelled her appointment to fix her hair for the dance but big sister Gwyn saved the day!  Annie also wrapped up her middle school soccer season with MMS.  Jacob had his senior prom and Galveston trip right after, he took Allie Lombard, who is the nicest girl.  He had a good time! Brian was overseas in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore for 2 weeks, he was greatly missed!! We also went to Senior Sunday at church, Jacob served communion, and we had a celebration lunch and found out he did win a $1,000 scholarship through the church.