Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Green Day

Jacob and Gwyn are really starting to play so good together. He's starting to really take care of her, as well as get her into trouble along with him. He usually calls her baby, since he couldn't say Gwyn for so long, but sometimes he still calls her baby Gwyn or Sissy, but lately, it has been shortened to Babe. He'll say, "here, babe" or "come here babe" or "like this, babe." It is pretty funny to hear him call her that. She goes along with whatever he says.

Jacob is still our picky eater, and sometimes it will seem he will have a few bites of something and that gets him through the day, who knows where his energy comes from?!?! Gwyn is our little eater, the other night she finished her plate, Jacob had gotten down to go play and she walked around to his chair, wanted up in it, and then proceeded to finish off his plate (which had barely been touched).

Another funny thing is that I love these Dove chocolates (I'll claim it is due to pregnancy that I HAVE to have at least two / day) that I put in the freezer, and I don't give them to the kids (I know, I'm selfish). Anyway, I had gotten two out and eaten one, and then Gwyn got up from her nap, so I went and got her up and came back in the living room and I had to sneak the other one in my mouth so she wouldn't see it. Well, she didn't see me eat it, but she saw me chewing and came over to try to pry my mouth open to see what was inside because she wanted one...I ended up giving her an m&m.

Jason came over Saturday night to watch both kids (for the first time) so Brian and I could go out to dinner to celebrate our 9 yr anniversary. We left him at 8, and I think Gwyn went to sleep at about 8:30-8:45 and Jacob finally was asleep by 9:30 or so. They did pretty well with Jason, they both love him so much, but Jacob did manage to get Jason to feed him pizza at 9 and get two drinks of Dr. Pepper. He also tried to get him to sleep with him, but Jason said no, and he eventually went to sleep.

Jacob is still all about the color green. Everything in his life is about getting as much green stuff as possible. From the moment he wakes up he wants a green straw, green lid, and green cup for his milk. He wants to wear a green shirt, green shorts, green shoes, and if he had them, green socks. He wants green m&m's for potty training. He wants a green bowl for his snack. He wants a green juice box, he wants a green fruit roll up. He wants a green plate for dinner. He wants to play with the green legos, he wants a green bike, everything is GREEN! Brian taught him to say "Green Day" when asked what his favorite band is.

The kids got some matching pjs, Jacob still loves monkeys so they both got monkey ones and of course, Jacob's are green!

On another note, we're getting excited about our summer. We've got a trip planned to Oklahoma to visit family and friends, a trip planned to Florida to visit John and Claudia, we're celebrating Jacob's 3rd Birthday in July, along with Brian's birthday. We've got visits planned from Rick, Sue, Stacy, Justin, and Brian's Grandpa, as well as Emily and Grace.

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