Monday, September 6, 2010

Drumroll please....this is my 100th Post!

This is my 100th post!  I've been doing this right at two years, so I'm proud of being somewhat consistent of updating about once / week.  I know that both my parents and Brian's parents look forward to seeing the updates with everyday pictures of the kids, and this has kind of turned into our own little scrapbook of them growing up.  I bought a book of my blogs from Sept 08 til Dec 09, and I love to get it out and read back through things the kids said or did, how easily we forget even things from a few months ago.  I plan to order a book each year, and I know the kids will enjoy looking back through them someday...I know I will.  Hopefully, maybe Brian will start doing a blog every once in awhile, it would be nice to hear some things he has to say!

Well, the big news of the past week is that Jacob started pre-K and Gwyn started a 2 1/2 yr old preschool that goes two days / week.  Jacob goes Monday - Thursday, so when we went last Thursday, she didn't understand why she didn't get to go, so I told her that since she is 2, she goes 2 days per week and since Jacob is 4, he goes 4 days per week.  That seemed to suffice for now, at least til February when she turns 3!  Here are a couple of pictures before we left for school, Gwyn was so happy to wear her new dress from G:
I told Jacob that Mommy gets to pick out his clothes the first day of school, after that, he can pick out what he wants (and I did let him pick out his spider man socks to wear with his nice clothes).  He was excited to wear his belt, which he often wears with athletic type shorts that have no belt loops:
Annie had fun by herself with Mommy, grocery shopping is surprising pleasant with only one child, who is still intrigued with playing with my keys or holding a bag of pretzels that make noise. 
Another major thing that started on Friday is that Gwyn is now potty training.  She will tell you she is potty trained, but she isn't.  It started on Friday when Jacob built a "tall tower" of pillows to get into Gwyn's top drawer and get her Dora panties out (she had gotten them for her 2nd birthday, but they have never been worn).  I was putting Annie to sleep, and I came into her room to find a diaper on the floor, Gwyn's pants on the floor, and her panties on backwards.  She pretty much refused to take them off, except to turn them around (Jacob told her how they went because on his, the big character picture is on the back).  So, when Brian got home (around 1 pm), we decided to see if she wanted to try even though before this day she had not shown any sign whatsoever of being interested in potty training.  Well, Brian made her a sticker chart, and finally about 3 pm on Saturday she went in the potty (so for 24 hours, we went through about 10 pairs of panties and shorts - I had gone to get her more princess and hello kitty panties, which may have been a mistake because she had no problem taking the wet ones off since then she got a brand new pair with a new princess on them).  So, Saturday, she had about 5 stickers on her chart, she learned quickly with Jacob's coaching that if she just went in and tinkled two drops, they would each get treats.  She is doing much better now about telling us, but we are keeping her in diapers at nap time and bedtime (having washed her sheets 4 times in the last 3 days).  Hopefully she will start waking up dry and be fully potty trained within the next month or so!  She is very proud of her potty chart and loves her big girl panties.  She says, "I'm not a baby!"
I'm sure she'll kill me for this picture someday, but she's just so cute and she's so proud of herself!
Annie is VERY interested in all this potty business, and gets locked out of the bathroom, which she doesn't like.  So, if you ever come over to our house and have to go to the restroom, you can count on Annie walking over and yelling at you until you come out again.  She just wants to be in the middle of everything!
It was nice to have this extra day with Brian home on Labor Day, so we met some friends at a park downtown today, and the kids had fun playing in the splash pad, eating lunch (every time we pack a lunch for a picnic, the kids want to eat it as soon as we get there, so we end up eating lunch at 10:15 am), and running around. 
Annie had a great time.  She is now just about refusing all baby food and shakes her head back and forth "no" really fast.  She likes to eat nutella sandwiches, I found out today, when she swiped half of Jacob's.  I would have never dreamed of giving Jacob a nutella (made with hazelnuts) sandwich before he was 1, but Annie is 10 1/2 months and no one in our family has any nut allergy, so I'm sure she is fine. 
Jacob also gave her a sip of his juice box, and now you should see her run, yelling after a juice box whenever Jacob or Gwyn has one.  Poor little thing, wants one so bad, Jacob gave her his empty box and she walked around like this for at least 30 minutes and seemed quite content.
Jacob is very excited about school and is adding a new letter everyday.  He loves his little Tag reader, and is surprisingly good at it!
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob (when I asked him if he wanted to go to Jason's with me):  I could do that.
Jacob (when I asked him why he didn't eat his apple snack at school):  Nobody took the casts off for me (peels).
Gwyn:  Can I give Annie a piece of milk?
Jacob (as he's pedaling a mile a minute on his bike to the park):  You can't catch me!

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