Monday, October 4, 2010

Oh, how we LOVE October!

Oh how we love the month of October around here...the weather has changed here in Houston and it is SO nice...lows in the 60s and highs in the low 80s.  We have been playing outside everyday, and gone to the park just about every other day.  We have some big plans this month, we will of course be going to the pumpkin patch, going to the Fall Festival at Jacob and Gwyn's preschool, going to the Fall Festival at our church, Rick and Sue are coming in for a weekend, my mom is coming in for a weekend, we will be celebrating Annie's 1st birthday (I can't believe it!), hopefully taking a trip to the zoo when Brian gets off early one Friday this month, and of course, the next best thing to Christmas...we will be taking the kids trick or treating (which has been talked about for months around here!). 

Our outside playtime around the house is revolved around bugs.  Locusts are big right now, but we did discover that those shiny green looking beetle/june bug things are very resiliant, let the kids handle them, drop them, etc. and are very good about just crawling all over their arms which they think is just fantastic.  We did discover that Annie is the bravest of the bunch...she was the first to grab a locust while it was crawling, which then started buzzing, she held it for the longest time trying to figure it out.  This gave Jacob all the courage he needed, so now he will pick up and play with the real ones.  If you take a look at Jacob's hair, he is liking me to put mousse in it and spike it up...he thinks this is great and wants to go look at it in my mirror when I'm finished fixing it.  This is a welcome change to the "bed head" that he is usually walking around with.

Here are a couple of more pictures of the kids playing outside, Gwyn found some seeds and wants to plant them and grow something really big.  This dress is one she calls her "pirate" dress.  She wanted to wear it the other day because she said Nicholas liked it...really, it starts this early?!?!
Jacob and Annie is amazing how dirty these kids can get.  I joke that I'm drowning in my own laundry! 
Jacob thinks these monkey silly bands are the coolest thing.  They glow in the dark.  He gave one to all the kids at Sunday school and one to Gwyn's Sunday school teacher, Mr. Mike. 
I still can't believe how fast Annie is growing.  It is going so much faster than with Jacob or Gwyn, I turn around and she is just everywhere!
The kids got five Care Bears from a friend of mine who is going through some toys.  If you sit them all around in a circle, then they will talk back and forth and sing songs.  This was great at first because for about 30 minutes the kids sat around them in they have officially become the most annoying toys I've ever heard...and I've now got my friend on my list to give her son the most annoying toy ever made for his next birthday!  I think that is some unwritten rule, you know how well you are liked by some people by the loudness of the toys they give your kids!  The kids are having great fun with them, they push them in their strollers, sit them at the dinner table, and they give everyone their own to sleep with.  Rick even got one to sleep with when he was here one night last week!  Gwyn loves them so much, she even knows all their names.  They say they are "wishing bear" or "friendship bear" when you turn them on and she can tell you which one is which!
Annie is in a "I-love-my-Daddy-more-than-anything" phase.  You should see her get all giddy when Brian gets home, and how excited she gets when he picks her up.  She also follows him around like a little puppy, it is pretty cute!
Here is a picture of some of the artwork from this past week.  Jacob covered the three little pigs, and is super excited about Storybook Land at school.  I'm going to try to volunteer for one of the booths that day, so I know he'll be excited about seeing me.
Poor little Annie is cutting her top teeth, one just broke through the skin yesterday and she's having a rough time of it...
I tried on several occasions to get a good picture for Annie's first birthday invitations, I'm not doing that great.  She is always distracted by whatever Jacob and Gwyn are doing, and here are the best two I have gotten so far...I'm trying again tomorrow:
Since I was taking pictures of Annie in that little chair, Jacob and Gwyn wanted their turn too, Jacob sporting his camo shorts and superhero t-shirt:
And Gwyn looking so much older thatn 2 1/2 here!
I painted Annie's toes for the first time, Gwyn wanted her to match her, so it is a light pink that you can barely see in this picture:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  Is this fish chicken?  (Everything is chicken in our house: chicken, pork, beef, fish...we were eating fish tacos, and I told Brian that Annie likes this fish, and that was Jacob's next question, ha!)
Jacob:  God made two DeAnne's? (Jason's girlfriend has a twin sister and they came over last weekend)
Gwyn:  Look Mommy, my nose can make bubbles (oh the hidden talents we have at our house!)
Jacob:  I like the troll (on Dora) because he has a cool beard like Papa and Santa Claus
Gwyn: Josh don't have two teeth, the tooth fairy take them (she is very upset about this and tells everyone)
Gwyn:  My shoes just got up and walked away, I think I need a cage for in my cubby for them (in response to me asking her why her shoes aren't in her cubby)
Jacob:  If he gets hurt, we just need to take him to the bug doctor (talking about one of his poor bugs he plays with)
Gwyn:  I need a snack (before she even got down from the dinner table)
Jacob:  I'm gonna tell them to come in here and take all our food so you can't cook, and then we will just have to always have snacks (talking about bugs that come in our house).
Gwyn:  I got my toes paint!

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