A real turkey visited Jacob and Gwyn's school this week. I asked Gwyn if his name was Tom, and she said, "No Mommy, that is a train." I think she was thinking of Thomas the train. We decided we thought his name was probably Sam. She went on to tell me about how that turkey would pop that mirror, apparently, they held a mirror up to the turkey and he would peck it and the kids thought that was just great. So, we sang a song all week that goes Pop, pop, pop that turkey, pop, pop, pop that turkey, pop, pop, pop that turkey, pop that turkey on the mirror. Gwyn says turkey like tukey without an r, it is pretty cute. Jacob came home with a very elaborate tale of a turkey that was running away from the cook who wanted to put that turkey in the oven to cook it for Thanksgiving. He got really excited about telling us when all the people would cheer for the turkey as he was running away and say, "Go turkey go!" Here is some of this week's artwork:
Jacob's class also got to take part in Thanksgiving Experience at his preschool. This consisted of bead/necklace making, face painting, butter churning, corn grinding, and bread making. I didn't know it at the time, but when I signed up at the beginning of the year to coordinate with what I thought was a Thanksgiving party, it was to coordinate the corn grinding and bread making stations for all the 4 yr old, Transition, and Kindergarten classes. So, I was up at school helping set up, work, and take down those stations, as well as getting supplies and making 90 mini cornbread muffins for the kids to taste. I made enough muffins for 1 / kid, only to find out that one of the Kindergarten dads handed out multiple muffins to each kid (the coordinator said one kid had 6 muffins!), so we ran out of muffins and had to get some store bought corn bread for the second day (oh the corn muffin drama!). It was fun, but I did learn to read the fine print before volunteering to coordinate again! Here is Jacob after he painted his face, he tried to copy an Indian symbol:
We are always talking about letters around here. Jacob is learning to write and spell his name, and we surprisingly still had all the letters needed in their names from our alphabet puzzle (this is a huge feat, since Annie likes to take individual puzzle pieces and place them all over the house):
Gwyn knows how to spell her name, and after I asked her how to spell it one time, she quickly answered, "wxyz, no, gwyn." It was pretty funny:
The weather has still been gorgeous, so we hit the park multiple times this week, this is the best picture I could get with my cell phone camera of Gwyn holding Annie down a slide:
Sweet little Annie is doing so much, her babbling has turned into what sounds like her repeating lots of words, she is spitting, clapping, waving, pointing, and mostly stomping. We say, stomp it out Annie! She likes to stomp, for fun, and also when she is mad, especially if Jacob or Gwyn take something from her, I'll have to get that on video. She also tries to mimic you, if I brush my hair, and then her hair, I'll give her the brush, and she'll try to brush her own hair:
Other than that, not much else is going on. It was N letter this week in Jacob's class, they do a different letter each week. He cut out pictures from magazines of nuts, necks, noses, and a necklace. He also brought his dinosaur necklace to school for show and tell. He had a new pack of silly bands and wore about 15 to school and came home with 2, and he told me he gave them to his friends. He's so sweet. Our craft box is going to need some major supplies soon, these kids can use so many stickers in one week! I finally had to say, no craft box today, the other day and just stick to some regular old paper and crayons, I told them it was old school (they looked at me like I was crazy). Oh, and Gwyn got ahold of a sharpie on my office desk...once again, cheap white toothpaste took it off (mostly), score one for me, ha! I love google!
Here is a video where the kids and I were having so much fun with Annie making noises with her mouth:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob: If I lay down on the grass real still, then I'm gonna catch a bird.
Me: Oh really.
Jacob: If I catch a bird, will you cook it for dinner?
Me: Yes, if you catch a bird like that, then I'll cook it for dinner (please, Lord, don't let him catch a pigeon at the park anytime soon!)
Gwyn (after seeing me get 2 squirts of soap when I washed my hands): Only 1 squirt mommy!
Jacob (after I told Jacob to stand back and let Gwyn shut the car door by herself): We do teamwork at my school, and you didn't let me do teamwork with Gwyn.
Me: Lucky for you, there is lots of teamwork time when we go inside and clean the house!
Jacob: What comes after Fall?
Me: Winter
Jacob: No it doesn't, it's Thanksgiving!
Gwyn (After breaking yet another dollar bin toy): My daddy gonna fix it for me.
7 years ago
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