Saturday, July 23, 2011

A few things that make the Katt kids smile :)

Annie Jaye
  1. Pacifiers, preferably one in each hand as well as one in her mouth.
  2. Tracker her beanie baby puppy.
  3. Popsicles.
  4. Swimming with Mommy and Daddy.
  5. Books, 20+ per day.
  6. Eating marker tips.
  7. Riding in a baby stroller made for dolls (making the wheels bow inward).
  8. Being tickled by Daddy.
  9. Saying hello, bye, and sorry.
  10. Wearing her crocs all day long around the house, wearing multiple pairs of Gwyn's shoes during the day.
  11. Eating dinner and sitting at the big table with everyone.
  12. Looking out the window during Jacob and Gwyn's swim lessons.
  13. Getting into the craft drawer, getting out all of the straws.
  14. Checking out Jacob's bugs.
  15. Copying Gwyn's dance moves.
  16. Watching bubble guppies on tv.
  17. Throwing things away in the trash, putting dirty laundry in the laundry basket, and sometimes getting the two confused.
  18. Bringing Mommy her shoes to put on multiple times per day.
  19. Playing with Jacob and Gwyn upstairs like a big kid.
  20. Sleeps from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am, naps 1.5 - 2 hours per day.
Gwyneth Regan
  1. Eating nutella with apples and bread.
  2. Playing with her fairies.
  3. Putting together puzzles.
  4. Picking out her own clothes and picking out Annie's clothes.
  5. Sleeping with Sparkles her dog.
  6. Bossing Annie around.
  7. Tattling on Jacob.
  8. Practicing swimming with her goggles on, doing front floats, and back floats.
  9. Playing with her friends Laura and Isabel.
  10. Singing songs and making up songs.
  11. Repeating and trying to do everything that Jacob does.
  12. Playing musical chairs.
  13. Anything that is purple.
  14. Sneaking around the house early in the morning.
  15. Sliding down slides.
  16. Making sure Mommy and Daddy know that if Jacob did something to get in trouble that she DIDN'T do it.
  17. Playing duck, duck, goose or Elijah, elijah, fire.
  18. Having a dance party while I cook dinner.
  19. Watching Dora, Max & Ruby, and Team Umizoomi on tv.
  20. Sleeps 8 pm til 6 am, naps 2-3 times per week if she falls asleep while watching tv during Annie's naptime.
Jacob Mack
  1. Star Wars - anything and everything about it.
  2. Using tape and scissors to create one of a kind masterpieces everyday.
  3. His ceramic Yoda cup that his pre-K teacher gave him.
  4. Eating apples dipped in peanut butter.
  5. Riding his bike with his helmet and no training wheels.
  6. Hitting baseballs off the tee.
  7. Swimming all the time, including diving into the deep end to get things off the bottom of the pool.
  8. Making books, drawing pictures, using stickers.
  9. Playing games: R2D2 trouble and Chutes and Ladders.
  10. Eating cheese pizza, hot dogs, Pei Wei honey chicken and strawberries.
  11. Reading books, especially Star Wars books.
  12. Dressing up in costumes.
  13. Constructing giant lego buildings and putting together Star Wars legos.
  14. Chewing gum.
  15. Playing with his friends Jackson, Ben and Henry.
  16. Snuggling with Mommy and Daddy.
  17. Playing in the sprinkler, using water guns, and anything to get wet.
  18. Hunting for bugs, frogs and lizards.
  19. Watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Phineas and Ferb and Little Bear.
  20. Sleeps from 8 pm to 6:30 am, hasn't taken a nap in over 2 years.

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