Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks...we finished up ballet, Jacob has started basketball, we've had 3 Christmas parties, all the kids are now out of school, we went to Oklahoma to celebrate Christmas with both my parents and Jason and Rick and Sue and Justin, Stacy and their precious babies Elijah and Hannah, AND we got to see the Kalina's, the Huff's and take a quick trip to Stillwater to see a basketball game...whew!!!  This blog will be mostly pictures as we got home last night and the entire house is a wreck!  Annie at her Christmas party:
 Annie and Atticus:

 Annie and her teacher Ms. Amanda:
 Annie with her teacher Ms. Kimberly:

 Little Rudolph Gwyn at her Christmas party:
 Rick was a good sport and went to Gwyn's party since I was in charge of Annie's party.  Gwyn was telling everyone..."Mommy is in charge of Annie's party and Grandpa is in charge of mine."
  Here are Gwyn and Annie at their Christmas program...Annie actually participated!!

We went to the 2nd Baptist Really Really Big Christmas show the same night that Brian got back from Norway...we had to leave about half way through as my entire crew (except Annie) was asleep on the back row...we won't be trying the late show next year!

 Love these sisters, this is how Annie reads a book to Gwyn:

 And Gwyn got into her makeup, look out!
 Kong Kong took a nap on his toiletpaper hammock...Kong Kong is surprisingly much more creative and gets into mischief much more when Brian is in town...hmmmm??
 Jacob at his Christmas party...I did jingle bell necklaces and those were a hit!
 On the way up, we stopped at Em's house and visited her with a those Kalina girls!
 OSU...we haven't been back in years and we felt surprisingly very OLD!

 Jacob LOVED the cheese fries at Joes!

Jacob did his crazy dance at every single time out to try to make the jumbo tron...he never did but it never stopped him...
 Susie was determined to get one of those huge foam fingers, nice!

 A visit with the Huff's...getting 6 kids to smile for the camera is never going to happen:
 My little elves on the eve of Christmas eve:
 Gwyn got my old caboodle that my mom saved, she LOVED it!
  Annie singing jingle bells: Brian didn't do too iHome alarm clock and the Art of Shaving kit:
 Jason cleaned house as socks and a popcorn machine for his theater:
 Jacob got some REAL tools:

 We went over to Rick and Sue's house and got to meet Hannah and Elijah.  Annie said she liked Hannah the best because she was the boy.  Then she said she wanted to hold Elijah because she was the girl...she was a bit confused.  She asked Brian later when she was little was she a boy baby or a girl baby.

 Gwyn loved those babies:
 La la loopsy dress up Annie...La la Loopsy was a hit!
 Like grandfather like grandson:
 Loved this picture of all the cousins...Gwyn is so proud.  She said Hannah was being crazy:

 Poor kids were so excited, there was at one time a 100% chance of snow in Tulsa and we got nothing. We stopped at Chick Fil A in Dallas and the kids got to make a snow ball in the parking lot...maybe that will suffice them for another year of "why don't we live where it snows??"

  And when we got home...SANTA had visited!!

 Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn:  This is 80s on 8, I want to listen to 90s on 9 (yes, that's my girl...Brian doesn't claim her for this as he says no good songs came out of the 90s...hello??)
Jacob (after I explained to him about how we don't double dip in the queso):  Daddy double dips!
Annie:  Daddy has pokies right there (talking about his mustache).
Annie:  Daddy says I'm 14.  (Um, no)
Jacob (as we pass a tree in Stillwater decorated with real pairs of shoes...those college kids!):  Can I climb it and get some shoes?
Me:  No, we don't want anyones old shoes.
Jacob:  They might be new, we just have to smell them. (He must have gotten that from his Daddy)

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