Thursday, September 19, 2013

Into the Swing of Things!

 We are definitely into the swing of things now, we've got activities galore, the kids are keeping us running around busier than ever, and Annie only does gymnastics right now during the day...I can't even imagine what life will  be like when Annie has after school activities too!  Jacob is doing cub scouts and soccer.  Gwyn somehow managed to be doing gymnastics, soccer, and girl scouts!  We've been busy with play dates galore, Annie and I went up to have lunch with Gwyn one day, and both kids are in the swing of things with soccer practices...Jacob is on the Flames and Gwyn is on the Mighty Mermaids!  Apparently the boys threw out they wanted to be the Pink Ponies, and Brian told him he would not be coaching a team of boys called the Pink Ponies, ha!  Sweet Annie and her buddy Emerson love going to gymnastics, it is their moment in the sun without those pesky older brothers and sisters to steal their thunder, ha!

Gwyn is bringing home some sweet work from Kindergarten, I just love the things that she writes and what she draws:

 She really likes to help with dinner too:
 She is into making lists in a little notebook she got from a McDonald's happy meal:

 Gwyn was dying to have curly hair, and Amy sent a sweet picture of Eva in her sponge rollers and it reminded me of how my mom used to do my hair with pink ones when I was little.  I found some at at CVS and we put them to the test:

 It came out so cute, we're going to try it again tomorrow for picture day at school:

Sweet Annie before school with her pigtails:
 She's been trying out this funny little face:
 I think she is trying to make faces like Jacob:
 Annie has been working on many of these type masterpieces:
 Gwyn has been teaching Annie how to do headstands:
We are trying vegetables all different ways, this was a hit to give them the whole carrot with the leaves and stem and all...Annie said they were eating like bunnies:
 Brian and I both split duties and went to Jacob and Gwyn's back to school night at school.  It was so cool to be in their classrooms and see the things that they have created.  Jacob had a few cool is his self portrait that he moves to answer the question of the day:
 Here is self portrait that was a "guess who I am:"  I quickly guessed based on his hair and the answers to the questions below:

I loved that he described himself as Jolly, ha!
 Apparently he wants to someday be a professional diver like his dad, ha!
 So sweet, love him!
 Gwyn drew herself with her hands on her hip, love it!

 My two funny bunnies:

 Annie and I went to a Little Lights of Houston event where we made sacks of food to take to a local elementary school.  It was pretty fun to do something like that with just her:
 One worn out little pumpkin:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  This is epic! (after I let him do his spelling words in chocolate syrup)
Annie:  Jacob is a stink pot.
Me to Gwyn:  What did you do at school today?
Gwyn:  I chased William around. (oh my, it starts already!)
Jacob:  Do you think if I give Ms. Bacon $5, she would let me take off one shoe in class?  (Apparently, she will let you pay her $10 to take off both pairs of shoes as a reward...we're talking fake money here...I told him he needs to aim a little higher than negotiating to take one shoe off!)

1 comment:

McGillen Family said...

You have the cutest kids! I am tired just reading everything you do in a week. Supermom!