Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jacob's 8th Birthday!

My awesome little boy Jacob turned 8!  Can't believe how fast he is growing up, it seems like yesterday that we were preparing the nursery and getting ready for his arrival.  We are very proud of him, he's truly an unbelievable kid and we are totally in love with him!  Jacob at 8 yrs old loves baseball, basketball, swimming, family kick ball games (ghost runners and all), movies, playing the Wii, Minecraft, playing Legos with Gwyn, wrestling with Annie, math, nachos, strawberries, ice cream and candy:)  He had an "epic" birthday party of going with Jason and three buddies to the Astros game, followed by seeing How To Train You Dragon 2, swimming at home and a sleepover (which also involved toiletpapering four fellow third grade girls' houses, one of which they got caught!):

 4 cans of shaving cream:
 Brian had to get in on the fun!

 What 8 yr old's birthday is not complete with 4 ipads of minecraft going on??

 Brian was a bit disappointed when Jacob requested an ice cream cake with JMK on it, no custom decorated cake for him this year:(

 Guess what the tooth fairy brings to you when you lose your 8th tooth on your 8th birthday? $8!!

 Totally pumped wearing his new KDs and KD socks and his new OKC Durant jersey:

 We checked out Top Golf this week with Jason, so much fun!  We will definitely be hitting it again before school starts!

 Annie's turns were always a bit interesting as she spent a lot of time on the ground getting the ball just perfect, only to knock it off as she was getting back up to hit the ball, ha!

 Jason robbed me of 28 pts when I forgot to switch the player to myself and accidentally gave him 28 pts!

 A truly exciting reunion, when Annie's buddy Emerson made it back to Texas after being gone for 2 weeks!
A few videos from the recent weeks...this one is a bad video, but this is where Jacob and his buddies got caught toiletpapering Anna Lee's was too funny!

How many candles can one boy blow out??

Brian practicing up on Jason's new ping pong pitching machine...let's just call him Forest Gump!

A few swim videos that I didn't get a chance to upload:

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