Saturday, August 9, 2014

Enjoying the Summer

 We have been taking full advantage of some long days, sleeping in (past 7 am, ha!), staying up late, and enjoying being outside and not on any schedule.  We are getting geared up for school, they start in two weeks and both Gwyn and Annie are signed up for soccer.  Jacob had them outside showing them some moves:
 This one stopped to pose:)  She's either going to get out there and cry or be a little tasmanian where in between, it will be one or the other, ha!
Sweet matching sisters:
 This one was worn out and just looked too precious taking a nap:
 Sponge rollers made it back in the rotation for a night...Annie wanted no part of it, but Gwyn is all about the hair these days:
 A week of Pine Cove church camp, the kids loved it, this was on Gwyn's curly hair day:

 She got to play a pick up game of softball with the third grade girls, she thought she was hot stuff!
 I can never get enough of Annie and her pink boots!
 Cooking some pancakes with Daddy:
 A pancakes for my Annie:

 My first attempt at a french braid...not bad from afar, but don't look too close, ha!
 Excited about wearing some new school clothes, shopping at Justice this year, that is an experience in itself!
 Gwyn is into buns, and I discovered the easy way everyone is doing them!

 Before trims for both the girls:
 Annie getting the royal treatment:
 My sweet little girl, so cute!
 The after:
 Gwyn had a little playdate last week, 7 girls plus Annie and another little brother...they had been missing each other this summer:
 Craft day...they came out super cute!
 Kipp is back in the house, for a week long visit...the kids are loving it:
 Despicable Me tattoos, these are all over Jacob right now, because why not have 10??
 Jacob, go water the plants...he's designed a deluge system out of a sprinkler and made his life easier, ha!

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