Monday, September 22, 2014

Tooth Fairy is Busy at Our House!

What an exciting past week we have had!  Gwyn had a pretty loose tooth, and I got to do the honors of yanking it out!  She was pretty excited, and the tooth fairy didn't disappoint.  Brian and Jason took Jacob and Gwyn to the Dynamo game, where they had a great time!

Some little 3rd grade girls have been hitting our house pretty regularly lately...unfortunately it rained in the morning before we could clean up!

Yes, we have one of these stickers on our team for Annie's PreK soccer team, the DASH!
Dance party gone wrong...Jacob bumped Annie and she fell into the coffee table while Brian and I were at Back to School night at RCE.  Poor girl was with a babysitter and couldn't get ahold of us, so I took her to urgent care that night, to my dentists house the next morning since her office was closed (she lives down the street from us and is the BEST dentist ever!), then a trip to the oral surgeon to have Annie's two front teeth removed, one was broken in half below the gum and the other was damaged enough it would have turned grey until she lost it, so she'll be my little toothless girl until she's probably 7 or 8!
She did look pretty tough!
Sweet girl:
As she was getting a little loopy!
The after picture, she's so stinking cute with those missing teeth.  Tooth fairy paid $10/tooth, Jacob could not believe it, he was so jealous.  Gwyn said, "I feel like a pre-Ker because I've only lost one tooth."  Poor Gwyn, one upped by her sister in the same week as she's lost her first tooth!
A little later, totally passed out!
Back in action the following day, it is amazing how fast the mouth heals itself:
Annie sat out the cheerleading camp, but Gwyn and her sweet friend Avery were super excited to go to the camp put on by the high school cheerleaders:

Sporting the orange, we bleed orange for both RCE and OSU!
A few pics of work from Annie's class (or Ginna, ha!) from back to school night:
LOVE her drawings:

Jacob wrote this about himself, followed by a note to us:

Sweet Gwyn's writing is so precious!

I LOVE the fact that she thinks she is a "specialist" on cats, such a 1st grade girl thing, ha!
Gwyn helped Brian change the battery on my car, reminds me of me helping my dad when I was little:
This was probably the last picture I had of her with her teeth:
A few videos from the week:
This was pre-surgery, she was a little goofy already (without any meds):

If you haven't watched the Father/Daughter youtube video of Shake it Off, you should.  My girls wanted to dance to it as well:

I'm warning you, be prepared for the longest, most annoying song ever:

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