Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day visit with Nana and Papa

We've completed two weeks of school, started Fall activities and had a great Labor Day weekend visit with Nana and Papa.  Papa caught a lizard, and Jacob decided to wear it like an earring, at least for a second, which was just enough time for Jason to capture this epic picture, ha!

My Dad, forever tormenting my Mom:)
Brian and his new bff, his potato gun.

Bike rides, Annie is a pro!

My dad teaching the kids some tricks on their bikes:

Swimming in the pool, the donut ring still a favorite:

Jason getting his exercise in with Annie lifts:
One happy boy, with his new baseball bat:

My goofy girl, who likes over medium eggs with black salt (pepper):

Jacob's epic ice cream sundae, it was healthy because it has nuts:

All three of my kids drew pictures of our families their Kindergarten year in Ms. Rincon's class:
I love Jacob's answers to these questions:
Annie will be hitting homers by Spring time softball:

Belly flops from Jacob and Gwyn:

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