Saturday, November 7, 2015

An Epic Halloween!

Although it was rainy for most of the two days before, things cleared away for us to have a very fun "EPIC" Halloween, Saturday night, no school the next day, perfect!  The kids raked in the candy and had a great time.  This year we had a zombie (although if you ask Jacob what he was he'll say, "I don't know, just some random thing I found at the store." We had Cruella de Vil and we had Mack from Teen Beach.

She can turn on the sass:

Yes, that is a cigarette holder, ha!

The trick or treating crew:
I so wanted Jacob to be Johnny from Karate Kid, but his buddy Luke pulled it off.  Maybe next year.
2nd Grade neighbors:

Annie and her sidekick:

Love my sweet, smart, funny, handsome boy!

This boy has my heart:
One house went all out, I've decided this will be our house once our kids are done trick or treating.
Sorting the loot:

Jacob's owl art (in the left hand corner of this picture) was displayed at Barnes and Noble at the Book Fair:

 The Book Character Parade for this sweet girl, who was perfect as a Dalmatian from 101 Dalmatians:

Her awesome teacher was Emeraldilicious:

Soccer pics for Gwyn and Annie:

Gwyn's hip hop/jazz class did a little performance to the Adams Family and they got to wear their costumes:

A video of the performance:

Still sorting the loot:

One of Annie's favorite books, I wonder why:)
My sweet girls sleeping together:
This nasty little sucker stung Jacob.  His name is Ding Dong Little Jerk.  It was crazy, and scary and freaked me out as the pain rushed up his arm to his armpit and into his chest.  These things are sending people to the ER right and left.  We decided to drown him in soapy water since they don't like that, but Jacob quite enjoyed thinking of painful suffering ways for him to die.

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