Sunday, April 24, 2016

Beautiful Weather and Field Day Fun

 Kids are taking advantage of some beautiful weather...Jacob anxiously counts the hours down until a weekly Friday wiffle ball game in the easement next to the house, and Gwyn and her friends have taken advantage of the too cold pool already!
 Da Boyz:
 Biker gang:
 Gwyn got a new upgrade since little sister took both her old bike and her they are both cruising!
 My sweet Annie to go watch the Spartanaire Spring show with her buddy Em:

 Ready to give flowers to their babysitters:

 Gwyn's softball pictures:
 This little girl is like lightning!

 Brian made the cake for the 2nd Grade Girls Auction Party...of course it was a hit:

 80s party...don't even ask:
 Sweet Gwyn was home sick from school two days...we had lots of snuggles:
 This one did not like going to school without Gwyn:
 Talk about Freaky Friday:
 My little home run hitter:
 Field Day!!!! Best day of the year for these kids:

A little Field Day Win for these boys!!!

 Gwyn in action:

 Annie in action:

 This him:
A video of a hit from last weekend:

Annie writes on everything, loved finding this trash in my car with Annie's signature mark "Annie is cool"

 My Annie is in a "I love my Mommy" phase, which I absolutely LOVE and can't get enough of:

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