Monday, October 24, 2016

Annie Jaye turns 7!

 Happy Birthday to our sweet Annie Jaye!  This girls is all about soccer, basketball, softball, swimming, perfecting her cartwheels, jumping on the trampoline, rollerblading all over the house, eating cucumbers, fried rice and candy, drawing pictures and playing on her iPad!  What could be more fun than getting a half day at school, getting to go to Benihana for lunch and then play soccer that night on your birthday?

 She had a sleepover birthday party with 6 friends, we were all exhausted the following morning...and Annie even lost her voice!  Party was complete with painting, games, food, fun, moving, dance party and another cookie cake!

 Gwyn had a kickball playdate on one of the half days...cute, fun girls!

 Jacob had his first baseball tournament of the Fall season...lots of fun to watch him catch and pitch!

 Early morning chilly soccer game!

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