Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Snowpocalypse in Houston!

What a month!  February brought Houston a legit snowstorm / ice storm, nights and nights of record cold temperatures, that turned into a huge power failure and then water failure.  We had about 4 nights of no power, no water for 3, and it was terrible and crazy all at once.  So many neighbors and friends had busted pipes and a nightmare of issues, we were really lucky to only end up with sprinkler system damage.  We were able to help people that needed it, the kids were off school for over a week, all during COVID, only to return to school for a lice outbreak...seriously, can't make it up!  We managed to make the best of it, and keep on trucking on!  The rest of February ended with a runner-up in the silver bracket of Annie's team the Hawks...she loved Jacob cheering her on!
She wanted to send this pic to Jacob and Gwyn and ask them how many All Star teams they had made, ha!

One very precious, cutie!

Gwyn's first track meet.  We were shocked, she literally blew them away in the 800 meter run,  the 400 meter dash, and 2nd in the 300 meter hurdles.  What?!?!  Where did this girl come from??

Gwyn's Hedgaffe...part hedgehog / park giraffe for a science project that took us all day!
He's getting there...will soon overtake Brian...he grows daily!
Pure love:

Look at that drip:

Of course we had to break out the puzzles during the day...and nighttime came early with no light!

Brian and Jacob went to the store, came home with $150 in meat and 4 gallons of ice cream:

The kids worked together to try to save the ice cream!

Brian sporting the Comfy, which was a lifesaver, I literally slept it in 4 nights in a row, pretty much didn't take it off for 6 days.  He was trying to save pool equipment.  Did I mention we couldn't flush the toilets, had to bucket in pool water.  Brian did a little house on the prairie bath of boiling water and mixing with cold pool water.  Desperate times!
Jacob moved to a buddies house that was on the same grid as a firestation for a couple of days:

We tried:

Stratford baseball pics from his first games:

Gwyn got her hair highlighted!!

Jacob on dish duty...tough job when Brian cooks:


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