Friday, June 28, 2024

Brian and Annie to VEGAS, Workcamp for all, UT soccer camp



June has come and gone with a flash.  It has been one of the busiest month as it started with the wrap up of 8th grade for Annie and Sophomore year with Gwyn.  Brian, Jacob and Gwyn all went to Canton, TX for work camp with the church, a week of working and doing good in the community, Gwyn painted an older lady's house blue (Darlene) and Jacob roofed a church.  Brian worked installing a refrigeration room for a food pantry.  I went to Corpus Christi for work for a few days, Annie went to UT soccer camp.  Then Brian and Annie took their Daddy/Daughter 1 on 1 trip to VEGAS, and they had a jam packed 3 days of awesomeness complete with a Bruno Mars concert, which now Brian is a HUGE fan of, ha!  Annie then went to work camp and Six Flags, came home exhausted!  A quick visit with Emily and Grace who were down in Houston for a golf tournament.  Brian was also in London for a week.  Brian and I celebrated 24 years...we're going to have to actually celebrate and take a trip next year for 25!! Gwyn is packing up now to leave for Windy Gap, North Caroline for Young Life.  She has also been working on ACT prep, Jacob is preparing for college, and by that I mean sleeping til noon:)  Jacob and Madeline and Gwyn (her Christmas present!) and friends all went to the Noah Kahan concert in the Woodlands.  July should be a little slower, Gwyn does have scheduled to get her wisdom teeth removed and we will be heading to Alaska on a cruise with the Katterhenry for Rick and Sue's 50th anniversary the end of the month and then when we get back, it will be August...Annie will be in HIGH SCHOOL (how did that happen?!?!?), Gwyn will be a Junior and Jacob will be a little freshy off to college at UT!  WHEW!!

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