Thursday, September 26, 2024

Jacob made ESPN, Fall Ball for Gwyn, Soccer for Annie, quick visit to UT



Busy days, time flying by.  We are keeping busy with school and work.  Jacob loving UT, has definitely drank the UT kool-aid, and he's now the biggest Longhorn fan (as you can tell by him making ESPN and the jumbotron a ton of times at the first game).  Gwyn busy with lots of hard junior year AP and Dual Credit classes, along with prepping to take the ACT, pitching lessons and Fall Ball with Stratford softball, and Annie is busy with high school classes, playing Albion soccer and daily Stratford soccer workouts.  Brian was in Singapore, Perthand KLM for a couple of weeks, and we survived, but everyone was excited for him to be home.  Annie played in a  soccer tournament in Dallas over Labor Day weekend so that was nice as we also got to see Emily, Grace and Sadie.  We made a quick visit to UT to go to a football game, took the girls to see Jacob's dorm room, did some laundry, and took him to breakfast before we headed out.  

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