Saturday, September 27, 2008

My first blog...

Well, I decided a couple of weekends ago (Friday night before Hurricane Ike), that this was going to be like every other hurricane and power would go out for about 2 hours and it would be a little scary and fun, and then Brian would get a few days off work and I'd have some extra time to create a blog for the family...(I even rented 4 movies for the long weekend), needless to say, 9 days without power later after we got back in our house, enjoying A/C for a week, returned the movies all late (and one very, very late because it was stuck in the DVD player while the power went out), I'm finally getting to sit down and start our family a blog!!!!! We were laying down in our room after church last sunday and the cable box started turning on and it was the most wonderous sound!!!!

I just decided since I love to check all my friends blogs to see what's going on in their lives, that I would create one for our family, since most everyone lives so far away! We're doing well, Jacob is 2 and Gwyn 7 1/2 months and just started crawling a couple of days ago. We're enjoying life, we've settle in, we are busy, we've found a church that we like, our days are filled with spills, laughs, runny noses, playdates, park days, snacks, naps (and when I'm lucky everyone, including me gets one!), talking with friends and family, running to the door when Brian gets home, legos, learning to share, etc. Jacob started a mothers day out preschool two days / week, and he is really loving it. Gwyn is pulling up everywhere and is going to be walking soon! She loves to eat everything, in fact yesterday we had a science experiments playdate at the house (more fun for me than the kids!!!!), and Gwyn reached over from her Bumbo seat and got a hot dog and was gnawing on it. Jacob just loves her and we all love to squeeze her little legs.


The Sheltons said...

Welcome to the world of blogs - we just started last month! Now Carter can check on Gwyn via the Internet instead of screaming "BABY" across the street.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the blog. its great fun. now you gotta get hooked up with flickr so you can show videos and photos easily.

fiodax said...

Hello Brian and family! this is Dax and family. I saw you visited my blog, cool. Glad to hear you all are doing good after the hurricane and in general (sounds like you need a blockbuster bailout after the hurricane, surely you can claim those late fees on your insurance?). Good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your blog! I'll be checking in to see what's going on in your life and family!