Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stickers, trucks, giggles, and crawlers...

With Gwyn crawling and getting into EVERYTHING, I forgot what fun it is to clean up all the dvds that get strung out everywhere, the books, the toys, etc. Jacob is now actually showing Gwyn more stuff to get into, most of which he had forgotten about, but now remembers what fun it is. This is Gwyn pulling out all the books, she had already gotten the dvds, so that wasn't fun anymore...yes, that is her bum 19 months apart, they are now in the same size diaper...Pampers Cruisers size 4 if anyone wants to send us any since we go through a jumbo box from babies r us a week, ha!! We went to book group yesterday, The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch...such a great book, he was the Carnegie Melon professor who died of cancer in July. This week is flying by, hard to believe we've been to preschool, moms club meeting, out to lunch, grocery shopping, Target, the doctor, post office, two different banks, grocery store again, book group, preschool again, already this week, as well as got in some major-needed cleaning...and it isn't even halfway through Wednesday yet! I think I have nothing planned tomorrow, better look at my to-do list. The picture of Jacob, who got into the OSU alumni sticker packet...he left these on all night, and I even found some in his bed the next morning...he's into stickers at the moment.

I thought this video was pretty cute, Gwyn thinks pretty much ANYTHING Jacob does is just hilarious...


Anonymous said...

I love those big belly laughs, what fun!

They both are growing so fast.

Your family is precious.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I love the stickers and Gwyn laughing is hilarious!!