Saturday, November 8, 2008

New pjs!

Babygap had a sale, and both Jacob and Gwyn got some new pjs. Jacob was really proud of his and was pointing out all the bugs on them. This is actually the best picture I was able to get of them the other morning. They were too involved with playing with their toys.

Anyways, I got a couple of cute pictures with my phone, so I'm posting them here. Gwyn was in the stroller, ready to get down and play at the train table at Barnes and Noble, I think we're up there about every other weekend. He's going to love his Gram and Papa's house at Thanksgiving, because they have a train table set up for him. He's really getting into trains, and loves pointing out all the "choo choos."

I usually cut Jacob's hair, but we decided to get it cut professionally every third or fourth time, so I would have a starting point. I think the big smile is about getting a sucker when the haircut was over. Oh, Brian bought Gwyn her first babydoll. It was so sweet and she just loves it. I'll have to get a picture of her with her baby. Gwyn does this thing where if you hold her close to your face she kind of pushes her head into you, it's just really sweet the way she does it and she does it with her baby doll too!

Well, I guess that's all I've got to say. See you next week! I'm trying to post each weekend.

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