Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A refreshing weekend

Brian and I had a great weekend in Brenham, Texas on a couples retreat with our church. It was so nice to be together. The bed and breakfast was so nice, we had time to ourselves, we were able to play cards and go to dinner twice...without highchairs and without chicken nuggets.

Rick and Sue came down to watch the kids for us. They had lots of fun getting extra special attention from their grandparents, and didn't seem miss us at all!

It was Dad's night at Jacob's preschool last night. Jacob was pretty excited. He had made Brian a special tie, they ate pizza, drank koolaid (Jacob had 4 cups) had snow cones, made a craft, and played in his room. Jacob didn't want to go home because he was having so much fun, and Brian had a good time too!
Jacob is in a fake smile phase, so if you wonder why I don't seem to have as many "happy pictures" of Jacob, it is because he is either turning his back on me and running off, or flashes me a cheesy grin like this one...
Gwyn is just a happy little girl who loves to dance to any music. I'll try to get a video up soon, because she is HILARIOUS when she dances.
This is Gwyn holding her love bugs up that Rick and Sue brought down for her. They sing a song when you press a button and she LOVES it. She immediately starts dancing, and really prefers when all of her animals are lined up and signing. We have two dogs and duck that each sing (all from Hallmark and all from Rick and Sue), these were all Jacob's but Gwyn has claimed them all now.
Oh, and my dad's birthday is this Saturday, January 31st, so Happy Birthday DAD!

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