Sunday, May 3, 2009

April showers bring May flowers

I can't believe it is already May. We got SO much rain here in Houston this last week, we are ready for the May flowers to come and the rain to go away! Brian's main route to work is still under water, so he's having to go alternative routes which really extends his commute. We didn't flood, but several people we know in surrounding neighborhoods flooded, we just go so much rain in a short period of time.

This should be a fun month, I'm looking forward to Mother's Day next weekend (yes, I put that in here just so Brian would remember!), my brother's birthday is the following weekend, we'll have a three day weekend with Memorial Day, and the weather here in Houston is still really nice, so we're planning lots of outdoor activities. The kids have just really started playing together all the time, Gwyn is still a little young to hang with Jacob, but she tries! I took this after we had come home from Costco, I was putting some other things away and then found the kids making a tower out of Kleenex, toiletpaper, and papertowels.

This has been a pretty fun week, Jacob's preschool class went on a class fieldtrip to the zoo, and I got to go with him. Jacob had so much fun, and LOVED his mommy being with him. His favorite animal is the giraffe, but he could have spent all day in from of the meercats. We had a little free time, which he chose to get a red icee and ride the carosel three times.
Gwyn, in the meantime, was getting some one on one time with her Uncle Jason, who volunteered to watch her while we were gone to the zoo. Jason had never changed a diaper before, and apparently God answered his prayers because he only had to change one wet one while we were gone!
Stacy had bought both kids slippers at Christmas, Jacob got some green crocodile ones, and Gwyn got these little snowmen ones. Well, both kids this week have decided that anytime they are in the house, it is slipper time, so they have worn them constantly. The fun wore off for Jacob after about three days, but Gwyn is still demanding to have her slippers on ALL THE TIME! This was today after we got home from church.

On Saturday, I attended a MOMS Club State Luncheon here in Houston. There were over 200 stay at home moms from Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. It was great to get away for the day, here some stories from other moms, hang out with my moms club friends, have a couple of meals without having to entertain kids, etc. Brian took care of the kids all day Saturday and took them to church on Sunday. Jason came over to give him some help for a few hours yesterday, and apparently they managed just fine. Gwyn didn't miss me at all, but Jacob was ready for me to come home, but not as much as Brian was!!

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