Monday, July 20, 2009

Jacob's Birthday Party and Katt Family Visit

We had Jacob's 3rd Birthday party at a local skating rink where they have a preschool skate, basically you have to be less than 7 and you can bring your bike, trike, or push toy...well, we thought you could bring your bike, so we brought Jacob's brand new bike but they said it was too big and he couldn't ride it :( It turned out okay, he had fun, he was more excited about the infamous Wall-E cake that he had been saying he wanted for almost a year now, and Brian did come through!

Here is the Wall-E cake:

It was a hit:

Here are some pictures from the birthday party:

Rick, Sue, and Stacy came down from Oklahoma and Brian's Grandpa came down from St. Louis. It was Brian's birthday on Saturday, and his Grandpa's birthday on Sunday, so we celebrated them together with some of Sue's fried chicken and an Italian Cream Cake, which is Brian's favorite. I told Brian I must really love him since I bought that cake and it was covered in coconut (which I hate!), so I didn't even get a piece!

It rained while everyone was here and Jacob and Gwyn got to try out their new Small Paul rain coats!

Everyone (except me and Gwyn) went to the Astros vs Cardinals game on Monday night, here they are all dressed in their Cardinals gear.

Another highlight of the trip is that we saw the Cardinals coach Tony Larussa at the Galleria on Monday morning. Rick acted like he knew him and said "Hey Tony" and he took a picture with Jacob and Rick. Brian was at work and a little jealous!

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