Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Fun and Frogs

Well, it has been hot this week, so we've been either outside playing with water or inside cooling off.

I went to the Woodlands for a little "girl" time with some of my fellow mom friends here in Houston, I came back with blue toes (those were my friend Julie's idea!) which were a little crazy but the kids liked them. Also, I came home to the house a total pit, worse than it has ever been, and the kids gave Brian a hard time, but I think that was good for him!

Here is a picture of the kids at Discovery Green park in downtown Houston. Jacob was so sweet walking Gwyn up to the water.
She's cute even when she's mad...

Brian was mowing the yard and found a toad for Jacob, he didn't put it down for 30 minutes and hopefully it didn't have any lasting damage! He was pretty proud.

Gwyn loves to honk horns, she always wants trucks to honk their horns when they are driving too, but Jacob got a little horn for his bike for his birthday and she loves it:

While I was taking a picture of Gwyn honking his horn, I turn around to find this:

The potty training is officially finished, no accidents in quite sometime, so YEAH for Jacob!!!! Oh he learned this week in Sunday school that Friends Share and Friends take turns, he doesn't always practice it, but he loves to say it, I guess you have to start somewhere!

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