Drum roll please......Jacob can swim AND Annie can walk! We've been busy around here, so no pictures today, but I am including 3 videos. One of Jacob swimming, one of Annie taking 4 steps (she's up to 10 now), and one of Annie yelling/grunting (she does this all day long).
Jacob is super excited about being able to swim, we have to remind him to come up to take a breath, he just wants to be underwater and always wearing his "gobbles." He's like a little fish, and since our swim instructor is on vacation for the next week, we've been in the pool with him almost everyday so that he doesn't forget and just gets better. He gets braver and braver, and we still have to watch him because now we'll just turn around and he's halfway across the pool. His big "prize" that we were holding over his head since we moved in was that he got to go pick out a water gun when he learned to swim. Well, as I laid him down to bed last Friday night, he did NOT forget about it and he told me he was going to pick out a HUGE watergun, the biggest one they had, not a small one. So, Brian took him to get one at Target on Saturday.
Annie is not even 9 1/2 months old and she's already walking (seriously!). I had counted on her to be my late walker since both Jacob and Gwyn walked about 10 months, but no, she wants to be right there with them, doing everything they do. I was complaining to my friends about her trying to walk already, and they gave me the advice to just push her down (it was a joke), but I really thought about doing it to discourage it all I can because that is just what I need, all 3 of them running in different directions! Ha! She is determined, her little legs are strong and she has surprisingly good balance. I just can't believe it, she is growing up so fast!
Well, this past Saturday was my annual day in the Woodlands with my other mom friends (this is my third year to go and there were 10 of us that went). We left Saturday morning, and left all the husbands in charge of the kids for the whole day and night, and we started off with pedicures, some shopping, eating at the Cheesecake Factory for lunch, a movie, hanging out and talking about our kids (and laundry, and cooking, and diaper changing, etc.), and then dinner at Brio, followed by staying the night and having breakfast at Le Madeline before heading home on Sunday morning. I arrived home to a pile of dirty dishes and bottles and dirty clothes strung all over the house...I was missed! The kids had fun with Daddy, and Brian did really well with all of them. (Although, Jacob did tell me that they didn't brush their teeth that morning!)
Funny things the kids have said this week:
Gwyn: Look Mommy, it mistappeared (disappeared)!
Jacob: No, Annie, only big kids can play this, you have to either be 2 or 4!
Gwyn (as we are driving by the Williams tower): My daddy built that building with his hammer (oh really!).
Gwyn (about every little thing): Watch what I can do!
Me to Jacob: Jacob, be quiet, I really want to hear what they are saying (I was watching this clip on the Today show)
Jacob: But Mommy, I asked you to be quiet when you and Jason were talking and I couldn't hear my show, so I was just doing to you what you did to me. (He's too smart for his own good!)
Annie Walking:
Jacob swimming:
Annie yelling:
7 years ago
1 comment:
I'm not sure who was prouder - you and Brian or GWYN! He has quite a cheering section :) Congrats Jacob!
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