Friday, July 30, 2010

Pudding fun for Everyone!

I let the kids get out some chocolate pudding and go to town painting Annie and some paper out front the other day.  Jacob thought it was just great of course, he loved to paint Annie and to use the pudding as paint to paint some elaborate picture of what he said was a boat with a bed of monkeys in it.  Gwyn, however, had no problem with painting Annie, but she did NOT want any pudding to get on her.  So, my time between trying to take pictures was to wipe bits here and there off of Gwyn that accidentally got on her when Annie touched her or she put her hand in some pudding!  Annie had a great time, and I learned that she LOVES to eat chocolate pudding (big surprise!).
And of course, since Annie is constantly standing up, she was laughing and having a great time, and right after I took this picture below, she plopped right down on Gwyn's picture she was drawing (which was very upsetting to Gwyn that "Annie sat in my picture!").
Being very careful not to get any on herself:
Jacob at the start of his masterpiece:
I let Jacob do this same thing to Gwyn when she was 9 months old and he thought it was the coolest thing at the time!  Here is the picture of them, it seems like yesterday...
Our week has been pretty calm, we went over to see Jason one day this week, we ran some errands and made it through the grocery store (Gwyn loves the grocery store and asks to go every single day), we met some friends at an indoor children's museum play place and the kids had alot of fun, followed by a trip to McDonald's, and we had two swim lessons this week.  Jacob swam all the way across the pool, and came up for two seperate breaths!  He is doing great.  Annie is growing like a little weed, she is into everything, has figured out how to open cabinets, and once again, is fascinated with getting all the DVDs out and spread all over the living room floor.  So, my days are (for the third and final time!), filled with picking up DVDs and restacking them, picking up tupperware, guarding the dishwasher while it is down since she climbs up into it, etc.  She will eat just about anything, she loves her baby food (ham, pinapple, and rice is her favorite), and she loves to eat peas (the real kind Sue!).

Here are a couple of more pictures of the kids, Gwyn loves dresses and she wears what she calls "my new dress that G got me" all the time:

Jacob is just growing up so fast, and I just love his dark eyes.  I gave him a hair cut this week, and he said it looked really good.
Some funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob (to me while I was driving):  Hurry, mom, there is a bear after us and it has on roller skates with rockets! 
Gwyn (with her pointer finger up at me and very serious):  You got to be very careful, it is dangerous.

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