Sunday, May 1, 2011

Go Cards!

Rick was in town this week for a few nights, and he and Brian took Jacob and Gwyn to the Cardinals vs Astros game.  This was Gwyn’s first game, and since it didn’t start til 7, I thought for sure she would be out by the 2nd inning.  Surprisingly, little miss chatterbox stayed up the entire game (they didn’t get home til after 10:30!), and LOVED it…this was probably due to getting a hot dog, drinks, peanuts, cotton candy AND a snow cone!  Jacob was worn out, and had a lot of fun, but fell asleep on Rick by the 3rd inning.  Rick and Brian went to the game again the next time, and Jacob couldn't understand why they were going again when they had just gone the night before.  It was hard to explain because I don't quite understand it myself! Oh, and when I took the picture above, I actually said, "say, Go Cubs!"  Brian didn't think that was very funny!

I took the kids to the library this week.  Jacob picked three Star Wars books (surprise), Gwyn picked a princess book, a Little Bear book, and I talked her into an Amelia Bedelia book.  I picked out Knuffle Bunny Free, and for the first time Annie picked out her own book.  She knew from previous trips that everyone gets books, and this time she wanted her own.  She picked out an Elmo's 12 Days of Christmas book.  I tried to get her to take a different Elmo book, but she was not giving that Elmo Christmas book, what baby wants, baby gets! HA!  Yes, I'm sure we are the only people at the library in April to pick out a Christmas book.  We were able to get a babysitter on Saturday night for a date night, and we had the kids pick out the books for the sitter to read before hand.  We have to screen their book selections, because of course Jacob picked the level 4 reader Star Wars book he checked out at the library, which would probably take you 2 hours to read it cover to cover.  We knew if we wanted our sitter to come back, we couldn't let him pick that one!

We had a playdate this week with another little boy who lives around the corner who will also be going to Kindergarten at Jacob's school in the Fall.  It was great to meet some other moms that live so close with small kids...I LOVE this neighborhood!

Annie is just about out of the highchair.  I think in celebration, I would like to take the highchair out into the driveway and set it on fire.  After three kids, this thing has seen it's last day.  I hate cleaning it, and it seems like it is always dirty.  Annie climbs out of it, and last week she climbed out of it, onto the countertop, and put her pacifier into the toaster.  The pacifier wasn't discovered until Brian made toast the next morning, and the smell of burnt plastic came pouring out of it.  The only problem right now is that when she sits in the booster seat, she likes to do a swipe with her hand and knock all her food on the floor, she pushes herself from the table with her feet, and she LOVES to put her feet up on the table.  When you tell her "No, Annie, don't put your feet on the table."  This is what you get:
It is hard saying no to that face!  I picked her up at the nursery at church, and they said, "she doesn't like being told no."  Oh, how those last babies get spoiled!     

The weather has continued to be so nice.  Not too hot, but still warm enough to go swimming.  The kids love the water!  Jacob loves to jump in, and then swim to the other side of the pool.
 Gwyn is perfectly content playing on the steps the entire time.
 Annie loves to swim with her Daddy:

Annie had her 18 month check up this week.  She is doing great, her ear infection looked clear (but we were to continue to finish out the antibiotic).  She is finally proportional, 32 ¼” long (65th percentile) and 22 lbs 5 oz (60th percentile).  She is still my little runt, Jacob was almost 27 lbs when he was 18 months old, and Gwyn was over 25 lbs.  She has been a grumpy baby this week, since she had two teeth (one was her first molar) break through.  When I went in this morning to get her out of bed, this is what she looked like:

Poor thing had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic she was on for her ear infection (and yes, I did give her all the juice boxes and oreo cookies that she wanted today).  She had this same thing happen when she was on amoxacillan before, and apparently, the cefprozil antibiotic is a “cousin” to it.  Some kids react to it and some don’t.  Poor Annie looked awful, but she seemed to feel okay.  I quit the antibiotic, gave her some Benadryl and if it doesn’t clear up by tomorrow, I’ll take her back to the doctor.  She seemed to be feeling much better this evening, and her spots were already beginning to fade.

 I took Jacob to his friend’s birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, and then Brian took Jacob and Gwyn to a pool party with the church volleyball group.  Annie couldn’t partake in any of the fun, I know the sight of her would make the other moms freak out.  Even though she isn’t contagious, she does look like she’s got the chicken pox!

The biggest news of the week is that my dishwasher has been broken since Monday!  I run my dishwasher every single day.  I forgot to run it on Sunday, so on Monday it was filled to the brim (I’ve really got this hidden talent of being able to cram my dishwasher with an unbelievable amount of dishes).  I pushed the on button and it didn't work.  It had an error message, which I looked up.  I then told Brian about this at 9:30 pm on Monday night, he stayed up til 11 pm trying to fix it.  No luck.  BUT, in the middle of the night, I realized that our 1 year home warranty expired on Thursday, so on Tuesday morning I called and a guy came out on Wednesday to tell me that the pressure switch was bad and that it would take 7-10 business days to order the part and then he would call me to come back out and fix it.  With all that being said, I had to break down and hand wash all those dishes on Wednesday.  I had to document it so that Brian would fully appreciate the magnitude of work it took for me to hand wash all of those dishes.  I SO would not have made it back in the olden days. (and yes, all of these dishes were in my dishwasher and these pictures really don't do the quantity justice):

Needless to say, we are using paper plates and plasticware this one is to use a "real" dish or utensil without approval first:)

 We had a ton of artwork this week, and all of these things about frogs has got Jacob excited about catching some in Florida when we visit John and Claudia over the 4th of July:

Funny things the kids said this week:

Gwyn:  I want to go swimming.
Me:  Let me talk to Daddy about it.
Gwyn:  I want to go swimming without any talking.
Jacob:  Annie got the chicken pox again?
Me to Jacob:  Did you eat dinner?
Jacob:  Yes, we ate a LOT of chips…and a grape.  (seriously, Brian…seriously!)
Jacob:  Annie is on my team, we both have crocs. (Annie got a new pair of crocs this week)

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