Sunday, May 8, 2011

I am one loved Mommy, Wife, Daughter & Sister!

Oh, how I do love Mother’s Day.  I like it most because I'm thankful that I get to be a mom to these wonderful kids, even though when I asked them to all smile, I get this:
I love being a mom to my sweet little boy Jacob (who in this picture had found a dried worm and really wanted his picture taken with it).  He also asked me again today for a pet snake.  Not gonna happen buddy.
 I love being a mom to my silly little Gwyn.  She loves to laugh and will just come over to you and give you a hug and tell you that she loves you.
 I love being a mom to sweet baby Annie.  She likes to give you kisses and play peek-a-boo.
I was able to go to Jacob's Mother's Day Tea at his school on Thursday.  His teacher read these aloud and you had to try to guess which one was yours (he drew me with my glasses, earrings, and necklace on and told me that I was singing in the rain):
If you can't read it, it says that: 
My mommy is "32 years old" (speech has paid off working on those th sounds...his th's used to sound like f's, so thirty two sounded like forty two).  
My mom's hair is "grayish-black" (I know this came from me talking about pulling a gray hair out).
My mom's eyes are "black or something."  (pretty close)
My mom's favorite food is "peas" (I know this came from me trying to get him to taste them and telling him how good they were)
My mom cooks the best "strawberries and hot dogs" (I knew for sure this was me when they said that)
My mom's favorite tv show is "the people shows"  (he calls cartoons kids shows)
My mom's favorite place to go is "a restaurant" (yep, no dishes or cleaning up highchair/floor/etc)
My favorite thing to do with my mom is "play"
My mom is special because "she loves me" (melt my heart!)
I know my mom loves me because she "lets me do fun stuff"

If you haven’t heard, my purse was stolen out of the front seat of my car on Wednesday.  The doors to the car were open, the kids were getting in the car, and I was at the back of the car putting the stroller in after I had buckled Annie into the other side of the car.  A car drove up, a guy snatched my purse and drove off.  I didn’t even know it happened, until I shut the back and went to get into the front seat and Gwyn said, “Mommy, a man got your purse.”  Then I couldn’t find it.  I had seen the car pull up, thinking it was another preschool mom, and actually glanced over, thinking my car doors open would not let him park there, but then realized there were 2 spots open beside me and he wasn’t that close.  Just close enough to snatch my purse and totally disrupt my life.  I was really shaken up, knowing that someone bad had gotten so close to my kids.  Poor Gwyn saw him, and she will show you the mean look he had.  Jacob was looking out his window the other direction and didn’t see anything, it happened so fast.  The police were there within minutes, I gave a report (lost phone, camera, Brian’s spare set of keys with our house key, wallet with drivers license, social security card, credit cards, check book, etc) and went home.  Thankfully, I had thrown my keys on my seat underneath my purse, so I was able to drive home that day.  I didn't sleep well for a few nights, just knowing someone had all my information and our address.  Long story short, after hours on the phone cancelling credit cards (some of which had already been used in the less than 2 hours after it happened in which I had everything closed), getting our locks at the house changed, getting new keys and Brian’s car reprogrammed so that the stolen key wouldn’t work, a 4 hour stint at the DMV with Gwyn and Annie, and a trip to get a new phone.  My mom and dad felt so bad for me and wanted to help in some way…they gave me $1,000.  Brian told them they didn’t need to do that, but my Dad told him that I was his Gwyn and Annie (that made me smile).  They didn’t know it at the time, but the amount we were out of pocket with this whole fiasco ended up being $1,006 ($269 for new keys/rekeying Brian’s car, $338 for new locks at the house, $247 for my phone, and $152 to replace my used-daily camera).  My wonderful brother also took me shopping on Friday to buy me a new purse.  I am blessed to be a loved daughter and sister. 

I got a call from the sheriff after we got out of church and they had found my purse.  Apparently, a guy was riding by on a bicycle and dropped it in front of a tanning salon.  The girl there called the police.  Even though it was full of roaches and ants, it is salvageable, and it did have my social security card in it.  We are thinking that they basically took the items that had value to them (credit cards, driver's license, phone, camera, cash, etc.) and then dumped the purse in the dumpster and then this guy dug it out of the dumpster.  I'm just happy to have my purse back.  I had just bought that purse last Wednesday, after Brian told me to go get a purse.  It was my Mother's Day present a little early, since it was on a day I could go over to the mall, and it would be like my last that I would carry every day for the next 4 years.  

On Tuesday of last week was Jacob's 4 yr old preschool Chapel service, where they recognized all the 4 year old classes that would be off to Kindergarten next year.  My stolen camera had pictures of this, but I should be getting another picture from another mom this next week.  I also had some videos of Gwyn at dance class, that I'll retake again tomorrow.  I'll get some more pictures next week, I've only had my camera for about 24 hours!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn:  Come on Annie baby.  (I say this all the time, "Annie baby" and Gwyn has started saying it too, it is just so sweet when she says it)
Me to Jacob:  We are going to your reading class today.
Jacob:  Is it Wednesday?
Me:  No, it is Saturday, but your last reading class got rescheduled since I had to meet the dishwasher guy at the house.  This is your make-up class.
Jacob:  Make-up?  Yuck, I don't want to go to a make-up class.  
Me (not understanding):  It is the same class, we are just doing it today since we missed the last one.
Jacob:  Make-up is for girls, not boys.  (I then start laughing and explain I wasn't talking about actual make-up that you girls put on their faces)

1 comment:

BrendaE said...

Oh Phoebe, I am so sorry about your purse and that someone was so bold to steal it out of your car with you right there AND your kids right inside!! Mine was stolen out of my car inside my garage, which was open, and I felt so violated. Be sure to put a fraud alert on your credit report with the credit bureaus. Hope this is an awesome week for you. Love how your parents gave you the exact amount you spent to get this fixed. Love how God works that way!! Thanks for sharing that detail!