Monday, July 18, 2011

100 Things About Brian

I decided for Brian's birthday to write down 100 things about him...maybe I'll try to do this again 20 years from now and we'll see how much has changed.  Happy Birthday Brian, we love you!
  1. You fix all the things that I break.
  2. You can answer ANY question I ask.
  3. You make up answers sometimes, and I call you out on it.
  4. You do things badly like grocery shop, laundry, dishes, so that you won’t have to do them again.
  5. You make a pretty good monkey face.
  6. You like doing “manly” things with Jacob.
  7. You take Gwyn to Strawberry Bucks.
  8. You share popsicles with Annie.
  9. You like to take drives with me when I just ride along and don’t tell you where to park and how to drive.
  10. You make me laugh.
  11. You make fun of me for facebook, but you look at my facebook more than me.
  12. You give me red starbursts and share your Swedish fish with me.
  13. You have a Cardinals obsession.
  14. You don’t like talking on the phone.
  15. You are awesome at packing the car for a big trip.
  16. You like to get lots of sympathy when you are sick.
  17. You like cartoons, especially Phineas and Ferb.
  18. You dress very nicely for work.
  19. You hate being home alone.
  20. You are the best husband.
  21. You are the best dad.
  22. You are awful at taking pictures.
  23. You taught Jacob how to ride a bike in 3 minutes.
  24. You are SERIOUS when it comes to church volleyball.
  25. You can’t pass up a documentary on the building of Hoover Dam on the history channel.
  26. You are a high maintenance sandwich eater.
  27. You hate going to sleep without me.
  28. You like to keep your garage clean.
  29. You don’t like me to put junk in your garage.
  30. You appreciate a fine meal.
  31. You eat what I put in front of you anyway.
  32. You know a LOT about princesses and fairy tales.
  33. You made a homemade light saber for Jacob.
  34. You do a pretty good Chewbacca imitation.
  35. You always have me cut your hair.
  36. You mow the yard and sometimes mow on an angle because I like that.
  37. You are my best friend.
  38. You love the Lord.
  39. You love our kids.
  40. You love me.
  41. You are very good at taking care of the pool.
  42. You are a good driver.
  43. You like pointing out how bad of a driver I am.
  44. You always do the right thing, even when I asked you for that pen you brought home from work and you told me that would be stealing and wouldn't let me have it.
  45. You make really good crème brulee.
  46. You have no discipline when it comes to stroop waffles.
  47. You have chewing your fingernails down to an art.
  48. You are an excellent swimmer.
  49. You smile when you come home from work and the kids yell “Daddy!”
  50. Two movies you will watch over and over again:  Book of Eli and Buddy the Elf
  51. You are a stickler for following the rules at board games, and prefer to play with the instruction manual at your side at all times.
  52. You get excited when you find a wasp nest and get to get your sprayer out.
  53. You are “into” WW II books.
  54. You keep your car clean.
  55. You are very good at hanging pictures and things on the walls.
  56. You are handy to have around the house.
  57. You love jelly beans, at all times of the year...especially Easter when there is such a selection.
  58. You are good at decorating cakes for the kid’s birthdays.
  59. You can do back flips on trampolines.
  60. You can do some impressive jumps on your bike.
  61. You come up with cool things for Kong Kong to do around Christmas.
  62. You can hold your breath for a long time.
  63. You are fun to go on road trips with.
  64. You really like bagpipe music and wish you could be in a bagpipe band.
  65. You have got some super cool lego skills.
  66. You like eating the lunch plate specials at gas stations.
  67. You like to figure things out yourself.
  68. You have very nice handwriting.
  69. You correct me when I get Boba Fett and Jango Fett mixed up.
  70. You make the best breakfast burritos.
  71. You like practicing baseball with Jacob.
  72. You are the first person Gwyn goes to when she forgets one of her fairies names.
  73. You like playing Texas Hold Em, pitch, spades and cribbage.
  74. Your itunes is full of 70s music, and way too many Bob Dylan songs.
  75. You are an excellent ice cream dipper.
  76. You are a self-proclaimed landscape lighting architect.
  77. You have disaster plans and escape routes planned in the event of any emergency.
  78. You like to go to Lowes and Home Depot like I like to go to Target and Nordstroms.
  79. You are very competitive on the games at Chuck E Cheese with a goal to get something from the "wall."
  80. You are the best strawberry picker I've ever seen.
  81. You used to walk around for hours with Jacob in the bjorn, and Gwyn and Annie in the pink sling.
  82. You do every job with the best of your are a hard worker.
  83. Although you have nothing to show for it, you did shoot a very big deer one time (I believe you).
  84. You and your cat/possum traps may have scarred our kids for life.
  85. You have made our family some amazing furniture.
  86. Your bowling pin tables...not so amazing.
  87. You like to snow ski.
  88. You have it out for whoever designed the packaging to get into children's toys...especially at Christmas.
  89. You are good at cooking crawfish.
  90. Putting up Christmas lights might be the most dreaded moment of your life each year.
  91. You pull the girls in the trailer on your bike "super-fast."
  92. You hate fireworks just as much as Gwyn because you are captain safety.
  93. You take the kids to tadpoles because they love going with just you.
  94. You despise ketchup and bananas.
  95. You read the Bible, a lot.
  96. You like to stir up ant hills before you put the poison on it to "make sure they take it to all their friends."
  97. You get excited about reading the blog each week.
  98. You are good at catching lizards and frogs for Jacob and Annie.
  99. When asked what you wanted for your birthday, you said a date with me and some jelly beans.
  100. You are 34 today and this is your 14th birthday that we've celebrated together, happy birthday, I love you!

1 comment:

BrendaE said...

Great Job Phoebe! And Happy Birthday Brian!! May you be blessed with many, many more!