Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 1 of Kindergarten =AWESOME!!

Jacob has completed one full week of Kindergarten, and I’m happy to say that he loved it so much that he was quite disappointed when the bus didn’t come pick him up for school on Saturday morning.  We had to revisit our lessons on the calendar to show him that he goes to school 5 days/week during the week and he gets 2 days off on the weekends…just like Daddy does when he goes to work.  I think I overloaded him with questions the first couple of days, and he is a typical boy...answers yes and no to almost anything and doesn't provide much details (in comparison to Gwyn who will give me play by play details of what went on during preschool even down to who got served snack before her).  He tells us bits and pieces throughout the day, about the story his teacher told about a bunny rabbit going to school the first time, about a video they watched on the smart screen that was so "boring," about how he played outside with Henry, about learning to hula hoop in gym class, about doing various art projects, about going to music class and having to remember where they stood the last time, about finding his way from the bus to his class by himself on Wednesday through Friday (and being very proud of this), and about a new friend he has made and has been playing with in his class, but he can't remember his name.  He likes to pick out his clothes every morning, which consists of athletic type shorts and t-shirts that are either star wars, Bucees or baseball.  It has been a week of getting in the groove of having him dressed, breakfast eaten, teeth brushed, backpack packed, and lunch made for him to catch the bus at 7:20 every morning.  He has eaten every single thing I've packed for his lunch, and did tell me that he would like to eat at school on pizza day next week...his first cafeteria meal...maybe I should go up to the school and try to get a picture of him, ha!  He also talks about math and counting non-stop, so I think he's learning something as well!  Here he is getting off the bus with his friend Henry, they both love the bus!

Gwyn, Annie and I have been keeping busy this past week running errands.  It is so much easier to go to the grocery store with two kids, especially two who are content to eat sliced ham from the deli while riding in the cart pretty much the entire trip!  We also picked up a special water bottle for Jacob, who had been wanting a special water bottle to take to school that you can drink and you can squirt.   It is called a Sip N Mist and I got it at Academy for $7...Jacob has been so excited about this water bottle!!  We have also had several play dates, which has been fun for the girls.  I switched off with a friend this week, so that I could go to the dentist, where I found out I have to get a crown next week, LOVELY!  I liked this picture of Gwyn who fell asleep after dressing up one day...being a princess all day is exhausting!

 Who loves a yogurt drink first thing in the morning??
Jason and I went and painted canvas pictures on Wednesday night.  It is at a place where you can bring dinner in and I won't say it was as easy as paint by numbers, but they basically instructed you on every step.  I have been wanting to do this for awhile, and although I'm not crafty, I was pretty impressed by how awesome my picture turned out!  It is now hanging in our office.  I had so much fun, and I will say that yes, my picture turned out MUCH better than Jason's, ha!  Oh, it is called Whimsical Fall:
 Even though it has been hot, we have still been spending ample amount of time outside.  Annie likes to play in the dirt, I think Brian wonders why he can't grow grass in this one spot by the driveway, and here is the main culprit:
 Gwyn insisted I get her "funny face:"
 Annie loves to point out whose things she sees.  "Daddy's shoes," "Mommy's purse", "Gwyn's baby," (which comes out Gen) and here she is saying "Jacob's water."  Love her in her light-up twinkle toes high tops!
 Houston has instituted water restrictions, and we can water twice/week.  Brian takes advantage of every minute that he can water, and even recruited the kids to help before they had swim lessons on Saturday:
 Gwyn is doing great with swim lessons, she'll swim across the pool and loves to practice.  It is pretty funny though because she prefers to kick off and kind of coast/float and then kick at the end.  We're working on her breathing, coming up for a breath.  She will do it, but prefers to just swim on one breath.  Here she is watering her section of the yard:
 We've been going out for breakfast on Saturday mornings, Jacob was so excited about going where we went on Saturday because they get their orange juice served in coffee cups, he thinks this is just great:
 Gwyn and her "coffee:"
 Annie, still gets a straw cup, but is in such a good mood from having straight orange juice, since I usually dilute it with water at home...I don't think she came up for air until the entire thing was gone!
 I took Jacob to a birthday party on Saturday for a friend who is in Kindergarten with him and who will be on his soccer team.  It was at Laser Quest.  Jacob was a little nervous since it was so dark in there, and the vest was so big, but once he got ahold of the gun, he was excited.  He picked a code name of Luke Skywalker for the first game, where he got 2nd place, and then he picked codename Count Dooku for the second game, where he got 4th place.  He loved it.  I told him that when I was in high school I played Laser Quest, I think it first opened in the late 90's.  He really wanted to know what my codename was, which I couldn't remember, I'm sure it was something cool though!
 Brian watched the girls while Jacob and I went to the birthday party, and besides painting their nails, he also entertained them by finding a program on the computer to take their pictures...Gwyn though this was awesome!  Here is their funny face:
 Oh how Gwyn loved to see their faces messed up with the distortion feature of the program:
  Here are two videos they made, I love the sound of Gwyn's laugh!

Funny things the kids said this week:

Annie:  I want to hold you (comes out I ant hold you…so sweet!  Gwyn used to say this and I melt when I hear it!)
Gwyn:  Strawberries are so boring. (she is using Jacob’s new favorite word all the time)
Jacob (in rapid succession when I’m laying him down):  Why was that apple green you gave us for dinner instead of red?  When are we going to die?  How did Darth Vader build the death star all by himself? (his brains goes 90 mph all day long!!)
Annie (repeating another kid at the park, and saying it so sweetly with a smile on her face):  stupid  (great!)
Me:  What would you like in your lunch today?
Jacob:  I want a peanut butter sandwich today, and peanut butter on crackers tomorrow.  Let’s do a pattern, one day a peanut butter sandwich, and the next day peanut butter on crackers.  (okay!)
Jacob:  Daddy said to be quiet, but I can’t because my hiccups are hicking.
Gwyn’s prayer:  Thank you God for the bus Jacob gets to ride to school.
Me to Jacob about I can’t remember what:  That’s awesome Jacob.
Annie:  Awesome Jacob!
Me to all 3 of them:  No jumping on the bed.
Jacob:  We aren’t jumping on the bed, we are jumping off the bed.  You said on, if you wanted to say off you needed to use an f sound (and sounds it out for me).  

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