Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Gwyn's first day of Preschool

Gwyn had her first day of preschool today!  Cutest little girl ever decked out in her ultra girly Hello Killy dress, light-up twinkle toe shoes, her Duck class bag that her teacher Ms. Tiffany made for her, and her R2D2 lunch box!   I asked her how her day went, and she said it went great.  She said they read books, went on the playground twice, went to music, went to chapel, did a craft, and she went to the Butterfly class.  I asked her why she went to the Butterfly class, and she said, “because I wanted to.”  There you have it, she rules the school already on the first day!  She had a great day, loved it, and is just sad she can’t go back until Friday.  She had done great last week, when we went to meet her teachers for orientation, and I have to admit that I love this school and I'm so excited about this year for her.

Jacob is still doing great in Kindergarten, he’s on his third week now.  He has had little homework assignments each night, from sorting patterns, counting socks, making lists of things we had for dinner, and one night he had to sort the laundry by color.  He was pretty upset we didn’t have more green clothes, and announced that we “REALLY NEEDED” some more green clothes, ha!  I had gone to this French bakery that we like, and he loves dipping the bread in olive oil and begged for me to send that for his snack.  So, I put some Tuscan Bouquet flavored olive oil in a little container, put it inside a Ziploc bag, and sent him 4 slices of bread for his snack.  I was terrified that he was going to spill olive oil everywhere and his teacher would not be very happy with me…turns out he did spill some, but his teacher helped him clean it up…he said it was okay and it was the best snack ever!  The biggest news of the week is that each kid in his class got to throw out a name for their two little water frogs.  Jacob suggested Buster, and it won with the most votes (13).  He was so excited and wanted to tell everyone he knew.  Going to Kindergarten and meeting new friends has its perks…we’ve had two “ice cream socials” after school, and Gwyn and Annie are starting to REALLY like Kindergarten!  What is not to love about getting to pick your own yogurt (which is really just like soft serve ice cream), and then pick your toppings???  
 We love Kindergarten!
 Jacob chose sour gummy worms with Reece's peanut butter cups, yuk!
 Gwyn chose M&Ms and Reece's pieces...then she wanted only the M&Ms and wanted me to pick out all the Reece's pieces, ha!
 Annie ate it all, and loved every bite!
Gwyn, Annie and I went up to Jacob’s school to eat lunch with him on Tuesday, he wanted McDonald’s, which posed a bit of an issue when I realized you couldn’t order happy meals until 10:30, and he eats lunch at his school at 10:45.  I drove quickly over to Starbucks and ordered me a coffee, and then I ordered 3 cake pops for dessert for the kids since they love them.  They get them with Brian, and I wasn’t sure what they were called, so I ordered, two pink ones with sprinkles and one that looks like an eye ball (at least that is how Jacob tells me about it)…they knew what I was talking about and gave me the right ones.  I then drove back to McD’s and I ordered at 10:29, and we made it to school just in time.  He was so excited to see us, and Gwyn loved it.   Annie had a great time, and the girls in his class thought she was just awesome.  Jacob was “King for the Day,” in his class that day, hence the crown.  They get to be the helpers, and he told me as they were drawing names that he was saying in his head over and over, “please be me, please be me,” and then it was!  It was pretty cute.

Gwyn and Annie are getting to be little buddies.  Annie is missing her big brother, but Gwyn is taking this opportunity to recruit her own little posse.  Gwyn basically tells Annie what to do, and she does it.  She says lets go play dress up, I’m wearing this, you wear that.  Annie does it.   This proved to be to my detriment when I decided to try Annie in her big girl bed.  Annie would nap just fine, and slept all night one night fine.  The next night, they both came walking down the stairs carrying their animals at 4 am.  Put them back to bed.  They came down again at 5 am.  Put them back down.  They came back down together at 7:30 am….now Gwyn explains to me that they miraculously woke up at the exact same time in all 3 of those instances, funny huh??  That is what I thought, and I did later learn that Gwyn told me she woke Annie up.  I can just picture her going over to Annie’s bed, and saying Annie, it is time to get up, get your animals and come with me.  Annie says ok, and does it.  What I’ve learned, is that Annie is definetly ready for a big girl bed.  She will take naps and sleep all night if left undisturbed.  Gwyn, however, is not responsible enough to have someone sleeping in her room yet.  I plan to try this in another few weeks when Brian is not out of the country, Annie is not having pain from her eye teeth breaking through, and she doesn’t have a runny nose anymore. 
I took them to a little indoor playscape, and they had a lot of fun together, but Gwyn could do so much more than Annie and Annie did not like that one bit.  Annie is pretty independent, but doesn’t like to be left out.  She will pretty much do what she wants.  The other night Brian took her little bottle of water away at dinner because she almost spilled it twice, and she just got down from her chair, went into the other room, got herself another bottle of water, and then brought it back to the table like, “ha, I showed you, you can have that bottle of water, I’ll just go get me a new one.”  She also has pushing chairs all over the house down to an art.  Whether she wants a napkin, a pacifier, or anything, she pushes a chair and climbs up to get what she wants.  She pushed her chair over the other day, got into my purse, and proceeded to eat every single tic tac in this new container.
 Annie trying to go up the slide, poor thing is just too little:(
The weather has been gorgeous here, it is still hot, but it has been breezy and cooler at night.  We have been playing outside even more, Jacob is loving practicing baseball, throwing, catching, batting with the tee and from me pitching.  He also had his first soccer practice on Labor Day, and he will have another one tomorrow.  One little fiasco we had is that Jacob found two snakes in our yard on Sunday.   They are no more. Enough said.
Never too early to start the slave labor!
 Two seater wagon, no way, it was made for three!
 Gwyn likes to play tennis for about 3 minutes, and then she is done.
 Jacob loves to play in the field next to the house, and when he hits it over the fence, yells "Home Run" and takes off running.
 Annie has got to have a baby with her anywhere she goes.  I used to be able to just give her an animal, but now it has to be a baby.
 Brian usually is the one who does this, but I decided to get creative with dinner one night, to which Brian laughed and said, you actually think that is good??  Well yes, I do, and the challenge is on now, let's see what he does next week!

I could not find a family picture for Gwyn's class that wasn't over a year old, so Jason took our picture for us!
 Gwyn's first set of egg people...I love how she makes sure to put two eyes and a belly button!
We have been busy this week, so much going on and Brian was out of town for a bit in Mobile, Al.  I got my temporary crown on, and go back the week after next for the final appointment.  Other than that, the main focus these past few days has been on Jason, who has hospitalized with pancriatitus.  My mom flew down yesterday, and is here now.  He might be in the hospital through the weekend, and we are praying for his healing and quick recovery.  They have ruled out the major issues, so he won't be having surgery, and are just trying to get him healthy again, as it is very painful. 

Lastly, here is a funny clip of Annie and Gwyn, who beg to put on make-up whenever I'm putting it on:

Funny things the kids said this week:

Jacob (after doing several math problems in the car):  I could do math all day! (LOVE HIM!)
Gwyn:  Jacob called me stinky again.
Nicholas to Gwyn:  Will you marry me?
Gwyn:  I want to marry Ben.  I’ll do craft and then I’ll marry you.
Jacob (dramatically):  You are going to let me be the only kid in the whole entire world who doesn’t get to bring candy for snack at school??  (talk about guilt trip, ha!  He was laying it on think, but still didn’t convince me that EVERY other kid just had candy for their snack)
Jacob:  Can we move to Tulsa to be closer to Nana and Papa and G and Grandpa? (no, I explain about brian working here to buy us a house, etc).
Jacob:  How many days do you have to work to buy a house?
Jacob:  Can we just move to a new house because it doesn’t snow at ours.
Annie:  I poop, I stinky (as she is grabbing her rear)
Annie:  I need pacifier...(I give her one.)  Thank you.   (I drew the line here, if we are having a conversation back and forth over a pacifier, then I don’t think she needs one…we are down to them at naptime and bedtime)
Annie (all. Day. Long…seriously):  Jacob bus.  Jacob on bus.  Jacob bus.
Annie (when asked anything):  okay


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