Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halfway through November already??

Oh what a week!  We are going non-stop around here.  I went away last weekend for the Women’s Retreat with my church…Brian said they decided to rename the weekend “wife appreciation” weekend rather than retreat weekend, ha!  The kids had a blast…I’m pretty sure they ate out for every single mealJ  Jason and Brian took the kids to the movies, it was Annie’s first movie and she did great (she does love Dora and will sit through numerous episodes, so I should have known she would have loved the movies).  They also went to Jacob’s soccer game, the bagel shop (twice), and out for pizza.  I sent them this picture of some horses, and the kids thought it was great.  I didn’t ride any horses, just relaxed, listened to some speakers, and enjoyed some quiet time and time with some friends.
Whoever invented the time change, obviously didn’t have small kids.  Our kids are notoriously getting up early, right at 6, in fact we have a rule that 5 anything they have to go back to bed (yes, that includes 5:59), but if it is 6, then either Brian or myself will get up with them.  The genius that planned the women’s retreat must have realized that time was changing that weekend, so while I got an extra hour in the country…the kids got up at 4:50 am rather than 5:50 am on Sunday morning!
I had Annie’s 2 year old appointment on Monday, she was 35 “ (75th percentile) and 22 lbs (15th percentile).  In comparison, Jacob weighed 30 lbs when he was 2, and Gwyn weighed 27 lbs.  She is definitely my little runt, but I think she is just more active…contstantly trying to keep up with Jacob and Gwyn.  She talks in complete sentences, we have conversations back and forth, it is amazing how much she has grown up these past few months! She did have pink eye and gave it to Jacob…I’m hoping the rest of us are in the clear, especially since the tiny vial of eye drops were $78!!  Last time we had pink eye in the house all three kids got it, I got it, and Jason got it too!  Brian is somehow immune to things like that, ha!  Here are the girls in a cute hat that Neely sent for Annie for her birthday:

Jacob also had a book character parade at school.  They got to dress up as their favorite character and bring the book that character is in.  He picked General Grevious from Star Wars.  Gwyn, Annie and I went up to the school to watch.  It was the cutest thing.  All the kindergarten classes came out and walked around in their costumes, carrying their books, and all the other classes and the parents were cheering as they walked around, the kids LOVED it.  Here he is about to get on the bus, he's pumped:
 My pictures didn't come out great, but you can see the big smile on his face when he sees us:
 He was super cute!
 It was a little chilly that morning, here is Gwyn waiting on the parade:
I took the girls to a friends birthday party this week, which Annie was convinced was her birthday.  She kept saying, it's my birthday.  I went to Nutcracker Market (the largest Christmas/craft/boutique fair ever in the Reliant Center, it was awesome!), and a friend called with 3 extra tickets to Disney on Ice, so I took Jacob and Gwyn with my friend who also took her Kindergartner and her 3 year old who also goes to Gwyn’s preschool.  The kids had a great time, and since they didn’t go to bed that night til 10 pm, I think it got them back on track to sleeping until 6 something, which was a relief!! 
 Both their mouths were open, they were in awe.  They really want to see The Lion King and The Little Mermaid now, we love Disney!
We got Jacob's pictures from school back this week, and I loved them, he's so cute:
Just a picture with one of his infamous homemade books.  We have an entire stack of these books he is making, I love them!
 The girls were so happy I painted their fingers and toes.  I'm still shocked Annie will sit so still to get hers done, but I guess she wants to be like her older sister:
 My grown up little boy before school one day...this is how he dresses everyday...athletic pants/shorts and t-shirts:
 I loved this project that he did in school.  Showing a pumpkin seed, how it grows into a vine and grows a yellow flower, then a green pumpkin that turns to orange.  They also did a corresponding lesson in the computer lab, I can't believe how much he is doing/learning:
 Gwyn did a lesson on that book I know an Old Lady who swallowed a fly.  She sings the entire song, and now I'm understanding where she is getting the whole "old lady" thing that she says to random old lady's in the grocery store.  When I told her that was rude, she asked why because it was an old lady.  I really couldn't argue with that!
 Everyday after school we are outside playing something, soccer, baseball, tennis, football.  I am envisioning my life for the next 13 years...constantly at a ball field!
 Oh the before picture when they were painting so sweetly and nicely:
 And the should have seen the mess she left on the table and the floors, at least the paint was washable, I have learned something, ha!

Funny things the kids said this week:

Jacob:  Mommy, how do ants poop?
Gwyn (not wanting to eat her dinner):  My neck hurts from eating.
Jacob:  I love you all the way to John and Claudia’s and back…walking, not riding in plane, that is a long ways.
Gwyn:  My tummy isn’t thirsty for milk, it needs juice.
Jacob:  I did second grade work today, my teacher says that when I get to first grade my teachers socks are going to knock off.
Jacob:  I just realized something.
Me:  What’s that.
Jacob:  I thought adults could only color in the lines, but they don’t.  Look at what you did. (thanks!)
Gwyn:  Annie's name is Annie Mack

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