Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treat!

What an awesome week we have had!  We've had so many things going on, and we are just loving these precious moments with our kiddos.  Halloween came and went, the kids had been counting down for sometime now.  The kids had a great time, but we were exhausted after it was over!

The weather has continued to be beautiful, even hot, but this past week it did cool off a bit (enough for a sweatshirt jacket!).  We met some friends at the park, Gwyn loved on new baby Conley...she talked the whole time about asking to hold the baby:
4 of the 6 was tough to keep track of them all!
What is better than making homemade rice krispie treats with candy corn on top??
We went to the fall festival at Gwyn's preschool, she LOVES to get her face painted, and it is quite surprising how well behaved all the kids can be when they wait patiently in line for something they want:
A shooting star:
Jacob got a football painted on his face, and a balloon sword (which didn't last too long!):
Jacob had another soccer game on Saturday...and he scored another GOAL!!  He threw his hands up in the air, and then played it cool.  I loved how the boys were sitting watching the game:
There was some confusion when it came to who was bringing snack on Saturday, so three different parents brought snack and everyone of them brought DONUTS!  Gwyn and Annie were happy for the mix-up!!
Love my little #7!
We went to a Halloween party at the Mulsow's house last weekend.  They had a jack-o-lantern contest and Brian was determined to win.  Jacob loved helping to clean out the pumpkin guts...Gwyn wanted no part of it:)
The finished product...pumpkin cannibalism:
My little clown, Anakin Skywalker and Rapunzel:
We stopped by Jason's for a bit, Jason's house is THE place to trick or treat...full bags of candy for each kid (including Sixlets for Mommy and Sour Patch Kids for Daddy)!!  Jacob is Sherlock Holmes (aka Steam Punk!):
Can you believe Annie layed so still for Brian to paint her face??  Cutest little clown around, and when you told her to act like a clown, she would!
They had a face painter at the party...Jacob got a jack-o-lantern and a bat:
They had a big bounce house and a little bounce house.  Annie decided the little bounce house was hers and whenever Gwyn would try to get in, she would say "Sissy get out, this is mine!"
A rainbow and a shooting star for Gwyn:
All the pumpkins lined up at the party...Brian got 3rd place (BOO!!).  He was pretty upset, and is already planning next years.  He wanted to argue with the judges, the person who got 2nd place used a template and he says that is like cheating.  The first place winner was the skeleton on the lower left of the picture, and he thought it was ridiculous someone got first just  for painting their pumpkins, come on!!
My sweet little Gwyn:
They had fun:
Brian had a strategy for winning the mummy contest.  I can't believe Jacob went along with it.  He got all wrapped up:
Brian even covered his face:
Brian told him to stand there and not move because that is what real mummies do.  All the other kids were walking like zombies and making noise, but Jacob stool perfectly still, not making a peep for almost 10 minutes (Brian kept on telling him he was doing a great job!).  It worked!  He won Best Mummy, and he was pumped!  The prize...a little grow your own foot, which we've been doing all week!
Such a rare sight...all three were exhausted!
I made them stand by the pumpkin in their matching pumpkin shirts, neither was happy about it:
We went trick or treating with our neighbors and my friend Julie and her kids.  With 7 kids and 5 adults we were quite the motley crew with a clown, Rapunzel 1, Hermione from Harry Potter, Superman, Rapunzel 2, Anakin, Sherlock and Iron Man:
Cutest little clown around on Halloween!  She was a little trooper, she was a little slower, but she was determined to keep up with the big kids.  She carried her candy bucket the entire time, sometimes she would ask Brian for a boost to run her up to a house so she could catch up.  She was always just a bit behind.  One time she walked up to the house just as everyone was walking away, and the homeowner didn't see her and shut the door.  She just yelled TRICK OR TREAT at the door.  Poor thing, I had to run up and ring the door bell since she wasn't tall enough:
Rapunzel got tired of walking, had just about everyone carry her candy for her, claimed she had enough candy after we were only half way done, and then took her costume off....who's kid is she??
Anakin lead the pack, he is pretty proficient at minimizing his time between houses to maximize the amount of his loot.  He was pretty entertaining to watch, he would say "Come on guys, let's do this!"  "Let's hit 'em big!"  and while looking in a house's windows..."They are home, I see someone!"

Here are a couple of videos of the kids:

Some other things that went on this past week is that Brian went up and ate lunch with Jacob (which he loved).  Brian also came home one day at lunch and picked Gwyn up and took her on a lunch date to the bagel shop, it was sweet.  Gwyn loved it, and wanted to bring her cookie home to share with Annie.  We've had to start duct taping Annie's diaper on at night since she has been stripping down in her crib...I don't do well having to wash the entire crib bedding/bumpers twice in one day!  Brian told her it is her special tape because she's special.  She likes showing off her "special tape" to Jacob and Gwyn.  Jacob had a book fair up at his school this week, I got to work the cash register for an hour shift for Jacob's class, it was fun.  The book fair was impressive, it was like Barnes and Noble in his library it was so big.  Brian brought the kids up and they each got to pick out a book...we ended up with a General Grievous Star Wars book (Jacob), Dora's birthday  book (Annie), and another Pinkalicious book (Gwyn).
 Loving this past weeks worth of artwork from both Jacob and Gwyn.  Check out the details of Jacob's bugs, which he spelled out himself by sounding it out.  We also had Gwyn's conference with her teacher at school.  She is doing great, she is a little smarty since Jacob has taught her all her letters, numbers, and she practically does homework with him everyday when he gets home from school.  They have made her their little assistant to help with the class:)
 Gwyn had the firetruck visit her school last week:
 Loving the detailed drawings and how great his writing has improved:

Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn to Annie:  If you pull my hair one more time, I'm going to pour water on you.
Me to Jacob:  You look just like your Daddy today.
Jacob:  Except for my hair.
Me to Gwyn:  Come on Gwynnie Bear.
Gwyn:  Don't call me Gwynnie Bear.  Call me Gwynnie Mack.
Jacob to Gwyn (he LOVES telling her all the things he knows):  Comodo dragons are the biggest lizard on earth.
Gwyn:  Are they bigger than Jesus?
Jacob:  No!
Jacob as he walks by Brian's dresser:  Whose candy is that?
Me:  It is your Daddy's, he probably wanted to take it to work.
Jacob:  That is not healthy. (
Jacob as he was looking at a snow globe of Tulsa:  Why is C3PO in there?  (It was the Tulsa Driller!)
Gwyn to Brian:  I've got my dance shirt and my dance pants on.
Brian (who is wearing some khakis):  I've got my dance pants on too.
Gwyn (a few days later when Brian puts those same pants on):  Daddy, why are you wearing your dance pants??

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