We had a great trip to Oklahoma to visit family and friends for Christmas. It was a short trip, but we squeezed in several visits with friends and lots of family time. The kids are dressed up in their Kong Kong pajamas in the picture above. This was Christmas Eve night, and I buy them new pajamas each year...these were Elf on the Shelf pjs that I found, and they were super excited!!
We started off the trip with a stop in Dallas to visit Em and her girls...the kids had a great time playing together, I only wish our visit could have been longer...how I miss the Kalina family!
When we got to Rick and Sue's house, the kids played outside a little, but you can tell we've got Texas blood in us now...here is Annie bundled up while outside for all of about 30 seconds...which was longer than Gwyn lasted!
Annie's signature smile:
Jacob and his little buddy Buster hit it off again...he asked to take the dog home. We said a big NO!
We stopped by for a visit to see the Huff family...they now have 3 kids and so there are 6 kids between us! I didn't get a group shot...Annie and Blythe weren't cooperating, so I'm anxious for Erika to send me what she got since I'm sure it is hilarious!
Gwyn loves this little swing at my parents house:
She wanted Papa to sit by her:
Then of course Jacob wanted to get in the picture:
The hammock got some good use for some fake sleepers:
It did warm up a bit, and the kids were able to play outside:
We spent Christmas Eve with Brian's family, here is Gwyn about to open a present:
Annie got a Dora dress-up from her Great Grandpa...a perfect gift for her!!
Calico Critters galore for Annie...she was in heaven!
All of them opening a present:
Jacob was most excited about his very own pack of gum!!
We went to Christmas Eve service and then followed that up with a group picture. We missed out in getting Brian's Uncle Kurt and his kids who came in from Kansas City for the day...we had a full house!
Back to my parents to spend Christmas Eve night and Christmas Day. Here is Gwyn who wrote her name!!
Here they are on Christmas breaking in Jacob's new pencil sharpener...they sharpened an entire box of pencils, then Gwyn also discovered on the colored pencils that don't have erasers on the other end you can sharpen both sides...this present got A LOT of use within the first couple of hours of them having it.
The kids had fun hanging out with my Aunt Susie, who got busted with a cup in her ear?!?! (this is an inside joke between the kids and Susie)
Oh how I love these two little sisters:
Jacob got another jersey...now he has 3, which he will rotate every day for the rest of his life (or so he says):
A group picture at the Brown's house:
We got this video of the kids coming in from Oklahoma to see that Santa had came...LOVE it!!
7 years ago
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