Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top 50 Things of 2011

1.     Jacob learning to ride his bike without training wheels.
2.     Jacob getting to see “the real Darth Vader” at Disneyworld with Brian and John.
3.     Jacob going to Kindergarten.
4.     Watching Jacob score a goal in his soccer game.
5.     Jacob getting to ride the bus (which has been a lifelong dream of his!).
6.     Jacob having so much fun at his gymnastics birthday party…including the light sabers – party favor of the year!
7.     Cherishing each of Jacob’s infamous homemade “books.”
8.     Amazed at how much he has learned this year and Jacob’s improvement in his reading and writing.
9.     Jacob learning to tie his own shoes!!
10. Getting to spend time in Jacob’s classroom this year with Valentine’s Day party, field trip to the zoo, end of year party for pre-k, field trip to Dewberry Farms, book character parade, handwriting lessons every other week, Thanksgiving program and feast, and Christmas party.
11. Annie talking in full sentences.
12. Watching Annie go crazy at her Little Gym birthday party when she turned 2.
13. Annie finally having enough hair for some little pigtails.
14. Annie drenched in strawberry juice after strawberry picking.
15. Listening to Annie sing her favorite songs “twinkle twinkle little star” and Justin Beiber’s “baby, baby.”
16. Annie finally transitioning to a big girl bed…we’ll work on getting rid of those pacifiers at naptime and bedtime in the spring!
17. Annie saying CHUCK CHEESE every time we pass Chuck E Cheese in the deepest voice humanly possible for a toddler.
18. Hearing Annie call Jacob “Bubba,” Gwyn “Ginny,” Brian “Daddy,” and me “Mama.” (It won’t be long before she drops the Mama and goes to Mommy)
19. Hearing Annie say prayers, so sweet!
20. Watching Annie try to keep up with Jacob and Gwyn…her running after them with her little hair flying (she is just now growing out of her little mullet - business in the front and party in the back!).
21. Gwyn picking out Sparkles at her Build A Bear party when she turned 3.
22. Watching Gwyn at her dance recital.
23. Gwyn and her special lunch dates and Strawberry Bucks dates with her Daddy.
24. Listing to Gwyn making up sweet and silly songs about anything and everything.
25. Gwyn learning how to swim this past summer.
26. Getting to spend time in Gwyn’s preschool class with Valentine’s and Easter parties, field trip to the zoo, end of year party, and Christmas party.
27. Gwyn’s first pedicure with G in Tulsa.
28. Watching Gwyn perform in her preschool Christmas Program…Jump for Jesus!
29. Gwyn riding her princess bike with training wheels round and round in circles in the driveway.
30. Gwyn learning to swing by herself (hooray for Mommy!).
31. Our year of pets:  babysitting guinea pigs and birds, our ant farm, Charlie the squirrel, numerous bugs/lizards we caught and released (or in a couple of cases left in a bucket in the sum), and our new water frogs (Pistol Pete and Bullet).
32. Doing fun things with the kids:  taking the kids to the movies, out for snow cones, discovering create your own yogurt places, family bike rides to the park, bowling, CEC, the park, craft time at the kitchen table, etc.
33. The hours upon hours we spent swimming at the house this year!
34. Ladybug hunting in the easement and making Duck Soup in the yard.
35. Playing outside with the neighbor’s kids…we are blessed to have awesome neighbors with young kids.
36. Intense made up games of “Squeaky Mouse,” “Tickle Monster” and “Step on Daddy.”
37. Trick or treating with the kids dressed up as Anakin, Rapunzel and the cutest clown ever!
38. Summer trip to Oklahoma to visit family and friends.
39. 4th of July trip to Florida to visit John and Claudia (and that awesome green lantern).
40. Brian’s cakes for the kids this year:  Star Wars (Jacob’s birthday), The Little Mermaid (Gwyn’s birthday) and Boots from Dora (Annie’s birthday), and his bug and owl cupcakes.
41. Christmas traditions with the kids:  decorating cookies with Jason, driving around looking at Christmas lights, Kong Kong our elf, advent calendars, decorating the gingerbread house, new ornaments for each of the kids’ trees.
42. The 1st Annual Spring Break visit with Em and her girls.
43. Beach trips to Galveston with the Mulsows.
44. Taking the kids to Disney on Ice and the Willy Wonka play with friends.
45. Celebrating Thanksgiving with everyone at our house, and Christmas in Oklahoma.
46. Nightly dance parties with the kids while I cook dinner.
47. Two Words:  Phineas and Ferb!!
48. Retiring the crib, which has been in constant use since July 13, 2006 (the day we brought Jacob home from the hospital).
49. The obstacle course for the kids (and Dads) in the easement after Thanksgiving.
50. Inside tent camping with Daddy on New Year’s Eve!

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