Jacob had two birthday parties to go to this weekend, the first one was a fishing party where he got to use his fishing pole for the first time (aside from casting it in the pool at our house), and the second was a jumping party at the trampoline place (he played dodge ball the entire time!). He caught a huge fish! Brian had to help him reel it in, but he was so proud and excited to hold that fish!!
He also had another basketball game, he did great, scored a basket during the game, and his little team is really starting to work together, so much fun to watch. He wanted a mohawk...the best we could manage:
Jacob also got to ride a different bus home and go home with a friend for a play date. He came home with a bag of worms they had dug up in the yard. Those poor worms ended up taking a "dirt nap" after Jacob left the bag sealed all night. Gwyn and Annie thought those worms were pretty cool!
Sweet little Gwyn had to get her 4 year old shots this past week. Mommy needed a medal for making it through that appointment! Gwyn actually did great, she did well on her vision and hearing test, the Dr ended up giving us an inhaler for future breaking issues (thank goodness no more breathing treatments via the nebulizer!), but she did scream, and I do mean SCREAM bloody murder during each of her 4 shots. Now, what made the visit so miserable was Annie. She pretty much cried the entire time. I had three different nurses/office people tell me she needed a nap. She got a sucker, dropped it on the floor, got a sticker and stuck it together so it wouldn't stick on her clothes, and screamed and cried while Gwyn was getting her shots. We were there for about an hour and 45 minutes, the longest of my life! When we left, Annie was sniffling, her face was all red, and fresh tears on her face. This lady who was going back, said, "poor thing." I just looked at her and said, "the appointment wasn't even for her." I may be sick on her 4 yr old shot day, and Brian may have to handle that one:)
Best buddies:
We are looking forward to a busy week. I'm organizing Gwyn's valentine's day class party on Wednesday, and volunteering at Jacob's on Tuesday. I made these valentine's for the kids this year...I tried to talk Gwyn into some "girly" ones, but she wanted the ones just like Jacob! The kids can take off the fake mustaches and put them on. Jacob picked out some nerds to hand out with his, and Gwyn picked out some laffy taffy to hand out with hers.
Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie: Where's Ginny?
Me: She's upstairs.
Annie: Can I go scare her? (me: sure!)
Jacob: Your name should start with an f, not a p. (yes, that would've made my life much easier!)
Gwyn (when Brian said it wasn't funny to stick a finger in his belly button): It was a bit funny.
Gwyn to Annie: You're a cheeky little girl. (Yes, the British speaking Peppa Pig is rubbing off on her!)
Annie to Brian this morning: Where are you going?
Brian: I have to go to work to make some money.
Annie: I go with you, let me get my shoes.
Annie (coming in to me): Mommy, you stay here. I'm going with Daddy to get some money, we'll be back in a minute. (Brian had to give her a dollar to get her to stay home, she had gotten her jacket too and was ready to go!!)
7 years ago
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