Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We've had a busy week around here.  Two Valentine's Day parties, Jacob's last basketball game and party, my mom being here and going back to Tulsa, Rick and Sue visiting for the weekend, Brian and I having a date night, and Jacob having his first baseball practice.  Brian and Rick made some huge progress on our bathroom cabinets...can't wait for some more storage in the bathroom!

Jacob at his Valentine's Day party...his class made tooth fairy pillows, which were so cute!  He is still waiting to lose one of his front teeth.  He told me he thought the tooth fairy was going to bring him an ipad...I told him not to get his hopes up, I heard the going rate was $1/tooth.
Could you possibly put one more sprinkle on this cookie??
Gwyn had a great time at her Valentine's Day party, which I was organizing.  My mom came over and watched Annie, which was a huge help.  Gwyn had a great time!
Gwyn with her stash of Valentines:
When I was up at Jacob's school for his Valentine's Day party, his teacher told me to look in the bulletin board outside of the office at the "Authors Fair Hall of Fame."  Jacob was one of the Kindergartners that was selected (yes, I'm totally bragging!!):
I knew it was his by looking at his pictures, he's awesome!
Love the beard and the big emphasis on the periods at the end of the sentences:
Some artwork of Jacob on display in his classroom.
Jacob got another trophy, he was super proud!

Oh how technology has changed the lives of the little sisters who have to go watch their big brothers play ball:
Jacob is crazy fast and dangerous on his scooter:
Loving her birthday present, a two wheel scooter like the big kids have!

Love the difference in boys and girls...Jacob brings home from the library a book on Earwigs and Lizards, Gwyn brings home "My Pretty Pink Purse!"
I mustache you a question, will you be my valentine??
Jacob wore his home on the bus!
Annie smiling and saying cheese in order to NOT have to wear the dreaded mustache!  It got stuck on her foot and you would have thought it was biting her!  Oh what a little dramatic one she is....she's got a master of a teacher (Gwyn):
A rare sight in our house...poor little Gwyn got sick this weekend, a couple of naps and several breathing treatments later and she's smiling again!
Annie loves to make her mean face:
Singing in the rain, this kid loves to sing, and loves to play in the rain (but not get wet!!):

The kids made some get well pictures for Jason, who had another endoscopic ultrasound to try to figure this pancreatitis out:
Gwyn painted my toes...yes, I wore it for one day...she was proud.  I really can't believe I'm posting a picture of my Brian, my birthday is coming up and a pedicure would be nice!!
Driveway chalk math problems with G and Jacob:
Jacob's homework one day...write a letter to someone in your family....LOVE THIS KID!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie:  Jacob said dude (she thinks it is a bad word).
Gwyn to the waiter at Escalantes:  Hola, como tostato!
Annie (after Jacob told her I called her Jenny):  I'm not Jenny, I'm Annie!
Gwyn (tattling on Jacob):  He made a mean face at me and looked at me close...REAL close.
Jacob (after I answered one of his math problems):  You know EVERYTHING!  (say it again child, say it again!)

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