Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer is HERE!

 Summer has hit in our house, BIG TIME!  Jacob had his last day of Kindergarten, boo hoo!!
 He was pretty excited about sporting his new faux hawk on the last day of school:
 We met up with some friends after school got out to participate in boogie down Brittmoore, where the 5th graders run down the middle of the street and all of the kids and neighborhood comes out to throw water balloons at them...the kids loved it...loved this picture of a motley crew!

Here is a video, it was so much fun.  The guys yard we were standing out came out and hooked up his water hose and was spraying the kids on the other side of the this neighborhood!!

 We are in our pool about 5 days / week...Annie is doing great in swim lessons and looks so stinking cute in those goggles!  She does swim everywhere she goes with her tongue sticking out...all my kids have inherited that from Brian!
 Gwyn is a little fish, and this is how you see her most of the time...I'll get a better video this week and post next week...she's determined to keep up with Jacob:
 Jacob loves the water and would live outside if I let him:
 Love this smiling face!
 Annie and Gwyn got some play is how Annie turned out:
A close up of Gwyn's makeup...I thought she did a pretty good job!
My parents were here for a week after Jason got his gall bladder out, which was full of gall stones, so now we know the culprit of all his issues the past year or so.  We took advantage of my Dad being here and, "worked him to the bone!"  He cleaned out all the gutters, fixed our vent fan in the bathroom, installed a new A/C return, and fixed a leak on our bathroom faucet...THANKS DAD!!

 Sweet little Annie didn't look too comfy, but I didn't dare wake her up...her naps are few and far between and she needs them!!
The kids were playing dress up, and I thought this little pirate Annie was just too cute!
 I don't think this video turned out, but DRUMROLL PLEASE.......Annie can pedal!!! Whoo hoo!
 Best buds:
 We couldn't start summer without a lemonade stand...we made $4...and only one lemon ended up in the street:)  This one lady rode by on her bike and she said she didn't have any money.  Jacob said, "It's only $ don't have $0.50??"  Nice.
 Loved their homemade signs...Jacob is pretty good at drawing lemons!
 A master pourer:
 She was best at yelling at cars:
 She was best at drinking the lemonade:
 Loved these sweet pictures the kids made for their swim instructor Rachael:

Biggest news of the week...we got our windows installed, whoo hoo!!  The noise reduction is amazing, and I can't wait to compare our electric usage...I'll have to put together a spreadsheet for that!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  Mommy, can I check the ipad to see if the Cardinals won last night.  (Seriously, Brian, you are brainwashing him!!)
Jacob:  Buster is my favorite dog, Gracie is old, like 95.
Jacob (after I told him Gracie died):  I'm glad it wasn't Buster.  (Sorry Sue!)

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