Friday, July 27, 2012


Oh Annie, you are a little firecracker! She has moved beyond pulling every tissue out of the Kleenex box, pulling out every wipe out of the wipes box, and pulling out every zip loc out of the cabinet, but she's notorious for seeing a goldfish on the floor and just going to stomp it...she LOVES to make messes.  She is now regularly dressed in tiaras and dress up shoes (which make the most annoying sound when walking), and she wears them out.

 How much trouble can one get into when I talk to Jacob's reading teacher for 5 minutes???  How about every single puzzle out and the BIG craft box that is off limits??
 She likes to wear her boots with dresses, she likes to hold hands, she likes to sing and make up crazy songs, and she walks around the house repeating things like "I am a robot" or "I am a zombie" over and over and louder and louder until you acknowledge how awesome she is.


 It took her about 3 minutes to go through a pack of 200 hello kitty stickers:
 I did enjoy my 45 minutes this week when she napped on my lap.  She's dropped her naps, so this is a very rare treat for me.  For one, she wasn't destroying anything for 45 minutes, and secondly, I got to sit and not move for that long!
 Jacob was so excited to show me this cool slime trick he learned at nature camp (where he also got to touch a snake, millipede, go on a zip line, catch all kinds of bugs, etc.).  I should have realized enough from the beginning to tell him not to do this over the rug, but I'll admit it was pretty cool:

 This stuff does not come off of furniture:(

 The kiddos working hard.  Gwyn loves to draw, Annie just likes to use every sticker possible one on top of the other, and Jacob likes to work on writing:
 Gwyn found an old Chick Fil A kids meal number book and was working on her numbers.  She had an exciting last week where she got to go over to her friend Meredith's to play (when Brian pulled up to pick her up, he thought he might have the wrong house and then he saw two little girls covered head to toe in paint...she had FUN) and she got to go to her friend Conley's house to play...she's growing up and having play dates of her own:

 We went to the library and the kids picked some books:
Loved this of the girls running around after dinner:
 Little Cardinal buddies:
 Jacob had a friend stay over, and he and Gwyn went to the same VBS...Gwyn was in heaven:
We are crossing things off our summer list, the kids wanted to make jello:

Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie to Jacob:  You not making good choices.
Gwyn to Jacob:  Is that how a 6 year old eats?

Brian and I agreed, that at least someone listens to us!!

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