Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Toothless #3 Jacob, Gymnastics Gwyn & Dancing Annie

What an exciting week...Jacob lost tooth #3 and Gwyn has started her gymnastics classes.  She is absolutely loving it, but as this video shows, she has some work to do:)

She is loving the classes and has a great time taking them with her little friend. Gwyn says they are just alike because their hair is cut the same and they both like salad.

Gwyn got a new leotard for gymnastics and has pretty much worn it non-stop around the house and even out to Hobby Lobby.  It came with a scrunchee, which she didn't know what to do with so she wears it around her ankle like an anklet.

Love these three kids:
Annie is itching to get out and do gymnastics herself, I've promised her that in the Fall when Gwyn goes to Kindergarten then she and Emerson will get to take either a dance or gymnastics class together during the day.  Poor thing gets drug around to all of Jacob and Gwyn's stuff and has to sit there:(
We are getting back into the groove and have been enjoying some great family is Jacob and Brian working on an army of Lego people:
Family game night with Guess Who (I loved that game when I was little!). Annie is not the best at playing, she usually tells you who her person is or whispers it very loudly, like "Our person doesn't has glasses, her name is Molly."  Needless to say, Jacob and Gwyn don't like having her on their team but LOVE to play against her.
Oh those boy scouts better watch out...Brian and Jacob have been constructing their Pinewood Derby car for the competition next weekend.  Look out, the design has been googled, it comes equipped with a Lego driver (with a helmet and face shield) and Jacob chose to paint it purple...nice!
Oh how the dancing continues at our house...these girls go non-stop, and Annie (who also got her own gymnastics leotard since her size was on clearance and hasn't wanted to take it off since) is getting to be pretty hard to beat:

Sweet little Annie is doing great with potty training, she is down to wetting the bed every other night or so. Such a big girl! She loves that wearing panties has opened up a whole other realm of fashion possibilities and is requesting that she wear Hello Kitty panties with her Hello Kitty pajamas so that they match...sheesh!
Sweet little Gwyn swaddled her baby just like Stacy does her babies:

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