Friday, October 18, 2013

Love this time of Year!

The kids were out of school for Columbus day, so we took advantage of the great weather and the day off to visit the pumpkin patch.  A little bad timing as they were receiving another huge batch of pumpkins later that day, but we did get some cute pics of the kids.

Jacob and Gwyn's schools Fall Festival is today, so Annie had a pretty good day with me at home yesterday, she was my assistant at making a ton of owl cupcakes for the cake walks.  She liked being the official taste tester!  

 My minion pumpkin turned out pretty cute!  We had fun putting it together and when I dropped it off there were about 6 other minions there...great minds think alike!  There were some really cool pumpkins, it is a fun little thing they do.
I'm loving my days at home with Annie, and I love the egg/stick people that she draws:
 Cutest little Billy Goat Gruff around!
 She is "into" writing books, she takes notebooks and pens everywhere and just scribble/scrabbles pages and pages and pages at a time.  I love how she's got her legs crossed in the car while she is getting her work done:
 One worn out little puppy:
 Decorating a pumpkin while I worked on the minion one day:
 Getting ready to go before school one day this week:

I hope the fashion police don't arrest him anytime soon!
 Gwyn showing Annie how to bike for real, not with training wheels:
 Annie moved up to a bigger bike and is loving it:
 Jacob with "Mr. Creepy" our spider hanging on his web in the front yard:
 Coolest soccer star around!
 Love how Annie's pictures turned out:
 The boo crew!  We took several packs of goodies to friends houses, rang the doorbells and ran away.  The kids thought they were so sneaky, but we got caught about almost every house since the kids were practically yelling at each other to BE QUIET, which they were not being!
 She is getting so grown up!  We picked her out some new clothes last weekend since she's growing out of everything left and right, she's so cute!
 One of Gwyn's papers home from Kinder.  She has started an online reading program called Raz Kids.  As soon as she gets off the bus, she wants to get on it and read for an hour.  She's my little worker bee who loves school!

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