Monday, October 7, 2013

October is HERE!

 I absolutely love October, one of my favorite times of the year with the kids.  Pumpkin patches, fall festivals and a change in the weather.  We had one of the hottest two soccer games on Saturday right in a row, it was in the upper 90s and then a little cold front swooped in Saturday night and dropped the temperature by 20 degrees by the evening.  It was so nice!  Today we spent a fun family day riding bikes, going to the park and enjoying the weather together.  Here is Annie with her little crocodile tears from not being able to catch Gwyn:
 Silly Gwyn who loves the monkey bars:

 Love this sweet boy.
I did take a chance to talk to the kids about a few things while we were at the park.  Too funny how their little personalities come out on videos:

I didn't get very good pictures of Jacob at his soccer game, I was too busy cheering, ha!  He looks so grown up out there!

 Gwyn did great at her soccer game, the Mighty Mermaids are 2-0!
 This is what Annie does while I'm distracted with the game, stick pretzels up her nose, want one??

 Enjoying some loot from a package from Nana and Papa:
 We are trying multiple things to practice spelling words in...this one with whipped cream didn't  turn out too well because I think it was getting too melted as he was writing in it.  He had fun though!
 Brian got some great tickets to the Houston Dynamo game on Friday night, so Jacob took a friend and got to watch some real soccer.  Ended up being a great night and Jason was there with some friends from Notre Dame.
 Loving the work Gwyn is coming home with from school!

 It says, "My house is a kasol."  Love that!
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob after Brian was telling him how to shoot the ball in the goal a little high to go over the goalie's head:  I can't do it anymore, I used to, but I lost it.
Gwyn to her friend Isabel:  Girls are butter cups or sugar pops, boys are booger bears or stink pots.

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