Friday, March 14, 2014

Baseball and Softball Season has Arrived!!

Jacob has started his second year of 8U baseball, his team is the Aggies.  A little tough for us Cowboys to support, but with living in Texas we will forever be faced with the Aggies or the Longhorns...and I must say, having our family support Jacob's team in those Aggies tshirts has got to be easier than wearing burnt orange...just the WRONG color of orange in our house, ha!  It is SO much fun watching Jacob play this year, he is loving it and doing so well.  Jason got these great pictures at his preseason tournament.

I do love this man, an awesome husband and an amazing Dad (he's even wearing the Aggie tshirt I bought him):
A video of an at bat:

Gwyn has started her first year of coach pitch softball in 6U.  She's doing great and loving it, you can see her field a ball and step on the base to get someone out one inning or doing a cartwheel on the field in the next inning:)  She got to be the bat girl with a little friend for the high school Varsity softball was so cute and she was loving it:
A video of her doing her bat girl job:

Her buddy Caroline:

Praying with the team before the game:
Waiting as they announced the starting line up:
Foot to foot with the team on the line while they announced the other team:
Sweet girls:

A video of Gwyn getting a hit during her first soft ball game:

Love this silly girl:
Annie had donuts with Dads, she was super excited!
Swim buddies:
The weather has been awesome here and we are enjoying being outside:
Gwyn sporting her new poodle earrings:
We have installed slackers at our house, hours of countless fun for the kids:

Slacker fun:

I was so impressed as Annie was playing the "stack the states" game, where she had to answer questions about states in order to get a state to stack, then I realized she was totally guessing and was getting mad anytime she accidentally got one right because she liked the sound that the game made when she got one wrong, ha!
My little pinkie gymnast, so cute:
I celebrated my 35th (ouch!) birthday on Monday.  The kids were sweet and made me the best presents ever, homemade cards, and Brian came through and got me this super mommy ice cream cake (he totally lucked out in the candles and found a 3 and a 5, he says he also found a 7, so we are good when I turn 37, 53 and 57 as well, ha!):

Love my sweet girl Gwyn, who made this for her teacher and taped a quarter on it, ha!  She gave it to her and she said that she LOVES money so it was perfect, ha!

My kiddos continuing to be immersed in Texas everything here:)

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