Sunday, February 22, 2015

Valentine's Day and Go Texan Day

It has been a very fun couple of weeks with Valentine's Day and Go Texan Day.  My little valentines had fun parties, Annie's and Gwyn's were at the same time, and then Jacob's was after theirs.  I was in charge of Annie's party, so thankfully Brian was able to make it as well and had his own fun manning stations in both Annie's and Jacob's classes.  My little love bug proud of her love bug:
 Gwyn acting silly at the end of her party...I slipped over  to get a picture:
 Jacob, who has a HUGE sweet tooth, absolutely LOVES valentine's day:
 Gwyn wore her shirt that G made her, Annie had already worn hers both earlier in the week, so she settled on a hand me down from Gwyn...Jacob dressed head to toe in red, even his shoes, ha!
 I sent these three in for the yearbook, Jacob and Anna Lee:
 Gwyn and Grace:
 Annie and Lillie:
Go Texan Day!  So fun to watch the kiddos square dance at school and sing their indoctrinated cultish Texan songs, ha!  So proud of Jacob for participating and wearing his cowboy gear, his teacher even gave the class free homework passes if they weren't party poppers!
 I took most of the pictures without realizing Gwyn had her hat on backwards:
 My little Texas cowgirl:
 Bus stop friends:

 Jacob danced first, here he is with his buddy Tyler:
 Jacob's partner was Isabelle, so cute, this was as close as they would get, ha!
 Jacob and his sweet buddy Adam:

 Jacob and Daylan:
 Gwyn and Avery:
 Gwyn and Caroline:
 Gwyn with Davis...her square dance partner who she didn't mind having at all:)
 Love the smile on Gwyn's face:

 Jacob had to decorate a tile for an auction project, he did Oklahoma State, he was pretty proud!

 Basketball season came to a close with Jacob's team losing in the first game of the playoffs by 2 pts...Jacob had a season high 13 points and had the best game of his season.  He was still on a high even after losing.
 The Fruit Hoops finished the season 5-2, ending with a win for their last game yesterday.  Gwyn showing off her trophy, only one girl dropped theirs at the team party and broke the head off...this has happened every year.
 Gwyn ready for school!

Funny things the kids said this week:

Gwyn to Annie:  EF, you know what that means, right Annie?  It means epic fail.
Annie:  Heidi on the bus her name is so easy, it is hi, like hi then a D.  So easy.

Square dancing videos:

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