Thursday, May 7, 2015

Venom Softball, Field Day and Annie's PreK Play

 Time needs to slow down!  It is already May and we are nearing the end of another school year, I can't believe I'll have a 4th grader, a 2nd grader, and a Kindergartner next hoo, I'm already getting sad, they are growing up too fast!  We have had a VERY busy last couple of weeks.  Gwyn's softball team is still undefeated...they are doing awesome, they finished the regular season and are now starting playoffs.  I love the picture above, Gwyn with her #1 fans...Jacob and Gwyn showing some Venom spirit!
 Yes, I'm that mom driving her obnoxious car my defense, another mom decorated all the cars while we were at practice the other day.

A few of Gwyn's at bats:

 Gwyn was so happy to have her teacher come watch her play and then BONUS, we showed up to eat dinner after wards and guess what, Ms. Ramey was there too!!
 Jacob brought a friend out to dinner after Gwyn's game and was bombarded by a ton of third grade girls who came to watch Gwyn's team...for once, Jacob is outnumbered by girl siblings...we are usually going to dinner after his games, so the girls are with his friends siblings...nice to turn the tables around on him, ha!
Field day was last week, so much fun, and so fun to watch the kids having a great time.  I got to work the obstacle course and the three legged sack race.  

Obstacle course videos of all the kids:

Annie and Gwyn both had their last gymnastics class...we started swim team this week and had to cut something!

 A is for Annie!
 Spring school pics:

 Gwyn's softball pic:
 Jacob had a piece of his artwork displayed at the Spring Branch art museum...
 Annie was in the PreK play of the Very Hungry Caterpillar and the Quiet Cricket.  She played the Apple (she says because apple starts with A and her name starts with A), and she was also the girl cute!

 Jacob and Gwyn got to get out of class to watch Annie's play:

PreK play videos:

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