Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Summer is Almost Here!

May is flying by!  Gwyn's softball team finished the season undefeated and continued to go undefeated throw the playoffs and championship...she ended up with two first place trophies in the same day...super proud of my little girl who is absolutely loving softball!  Gwyn finally lost her third tooth, which means she now has officially lost more teeth than her little sister!  She was super excited and told me that the tooth fairy would leave kisses on her cheek.

 I had a great Mother's Day at the baseball  field watching Jacob play baseball.  Rick and Sue visited for the weekend and I think got to see 6 games in a little over three days...welcome to our world, ha!
I told Jacob this was pretty much the best present I had ever received...you can't read the writing very well, here is what it says:

Awesome, beautiful, loving, smart
Mother of Jacob, Gwyn, and Annie
Lover of coffee, chocolate, and Brian
Who feels generous, patient, and kind
Who feels happiness in reading, cooking, and shopping
Who gives me breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Who needs popcorn on a movie night, cocoa on a cold night, and love
Who fears lizards, rats, and cockroaches
Who would like to see rainbows, and see her kids be kind, and do their best
Who enjoys shopping, her awesome kids, and cooking
Resident of Houston, Texas

 The girls also made me cards from school, Annie made me a cute little flower pot but I didn't get a picture of it.

 School auction had parties for each grade level, here is a group picture from Annie's PreK party, all these kiddos will be in Kinder together in the Fall.
 I went on Jacob's field trip to the arboretum last week, hot and muggy but such a fun trip.  Will definitely take my kids back when the weather is much cooler.  The kids loved it, and I love that they let them catch tadpoles, fish, frogs, crawdads, examine then and then let them go.

 Jacob's third grade boy auction party was a pool party (shark themed), and Brian made a cake of two sharks about to each Cinderella...he definitely knew who he was marketing too, the boys absolutely loved it!

 Since we hosted, the girls got to have snow cones and fun as well!

 Brian and Eric deep into an intense game of football!

 Love these two sisters!
 Annie is tearing it up at swim team, she loves it and begs to go to practice every day!

 Some artwork the kids brought home:

 You can tell Annie has been hanging around Jacob...it says (backwards) Annie Kat I am awesome and cool.

 Love these books that Annie brings home...have fun trying to decipher them, ha!

 Gwyn's magazine cover I made for each of the girls...

If you think you're smart, try these math puzzles of Jacob's...homework still going strong, he's counting down the days to summer!

 Happy Birthday to Jason!

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